09. discord is my favourite chord.

Oct 10, 2010 14:25

Ray! I have a request. It is merely a small cultural item, but I would like something to remind me of... home. Could I have some Dwarf bread? I would ask if I could make some, but it is not the sort of thing cooked in a conventional oven, so I presume you'd have to ask for some.

Again, just a cultural item. I would ask the kitchen if they could prepare some rat, but I doubt any humans would be interested in eating such a thing. Shame.

Also, what are these exceptionally bright lights that are everywhere on board? They're far brighter than candles. I can usually stand to look at candlelight, but here, I have to wear my hood all the time just to see. Which isn't really why it exists. Someone should turn them down.

[Inmate filter]

I don't see why any of you expect the wardens to really care about us. I mean, my warden will probably turn down a basic request for a cultural item. I'd put money on it. And who were the high majority of people mocking my cultural heritage? Wardens.

It's like expecting a human watchman to care about Dwarfs. Most the time, they don't, and when they do, it's always to stick their nose in your business and get in your way. Not that it matters, we have our own Laws, our own ways of dealing with things.

So why don't we? Some of us are capable of defending others, and some of us are equally capable of enacting punishments, aren't we? Next time something happens? Don't go to the wardens. They might have fancy weapons and authority, but why should we trust them with anything? Surely we can trust ourselves much better. Surely we have some level of self-sufficiency, don't we?

Don't go to the wardens. Don't trust them with that. We should deal with it instead. Don't make yourself need them. Come to us, or go to a friend. Someone you really do trust. Just because they have authority doesn't mean they have power.

Meet them with a wall of silence. That's all it takes.

((ooc: Ardent's asking for dwarf bread because it's a weapon, and he wants to protect the books. Also, he'll never starve with Dwarf bread. And yes, he's deliberately spreading discord. It's what he does. It's why he's an inmate. :/))

warden permission? what's that?, trust the humans..., rhetorical questions as standard, ardent doesn't always shout, in-house dealings, discord spreads like butter, take your rule of law and shove it, sveta is far too bright

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