Dec 29, 2008 12:16
I'm really fucking pissed off right now.
But more on that later.
First I'll share with you an interesting experience from this morning. So, I'm in the car just leaving my place. The air is full of street noise and bird chatter, as usual. But then I hear a strange bird noise that is unusually that a crow coughing? I turn to see a man strolling down the street with a couple of geese! Two plump & happy geese with bright white feathers and bills so bright orange you'd think they were just colored in with Crayola.
[Insert lame joke about a "nice pair of honkers" here]
K, so back to being pissed off. I just had a small shouting match with the account man on Colgate. I've been made "team leader" on the brand, yet things are not quite so. Basically the fight was about the fact that i have an idea that most people on my "team" just don't think is possible - without finding out otherwise. And I'm getting so pissed off b/c not only are these guys acting like a bunch of no-imagination nay-sayers, but also being team leader does not seem to matter one bit. Forget veto power, I barely have a say.
Quick summary of what the argument is about. It's regarding a radio program involving story-telling where callers get to fill in parts of the story. The "team" feels it's not possible to have actual callers and want to pre-record fake callers...[insert your "WHAT???" here]. Don't bother telling me how stupid it sounds. I already know that, and I know how unethical it is...the problem is this kind of "faking" of consumer interaction in mass media (on TV, radio, newspapers, etc.) happens all the time around here, and it makes me sick.
Anyway, there's gonna be a small meeting with more "team members" to discuss the issue and get consensus, but already I'm thinking it's going to be pointless and I don't really want to fight that hard over it. Every time I think I should take a stand to get an idea done my way, I just think it isn't worth it. It's not worth my time and energy to fight over fucking advertising, especially if I'm not going to convince anyone.
And the thing that's really pissing me off about that is that all this time, I've wanted more leadership roles in my agency. And now it turns out I'm not very good at being a leader. As soon as someone challenges me, I get defensive and angry.
No advice please! I just wanna vent & stew right now. Argh! Hmph! and so on and so forth.
Speaking of advice, let's check what this week's Quote Of the Week is...
Don't waste your time on jealousy.
Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind...
The race is long, and in the end,
it's only with yourself.
~ Mary Schmich
radio program,