I've been meaning to blog for days, but every time I thought of something to write about, that thought was immediately followed by another one along the lines of "nah, that would just make for a really short and lame post". However, since I have by now accumulated a lot of short and lame tidbits, I'll simply post them all at once, regardless of whether they go together thematically or not (mostly they don't).
Shopping: I used the bank holiday to go out and shop for some essentials. This included popping into Primark for some cheap shirts and socks. That is indeed what I got, and for even less money than I had hoped, but I'm still not sure whether it was worth it because that place just scares the hell out of me. Stupidly crowded and busy as an anthill, only the ants keep bumping into each other and half of them have pushchairs and screaming mini-ants dogging their heels, and everything around you keeps getting messed up so quickly that you need an entire team of workers dedicated to nothing but tidying up non-stop so that people can actually find things. /shudder.
Politics: So they killed Osama bin Laden. My first reaction to this was: "Oh really?" I was convinced that it must be some sort of hoax, but no, Graham assured me that the American president was actually holding a speech about it on tv, so I guess they had to be pretty sure about it.
I've seen a lot of scepticism on my friends list and I can only agree. Hey, I'd be happy if this actually made the world a better place, but things are rarely that easy. More likely it will just make certain people all the more angry and vengeful.
Also, I read
an article about some of the details of the operation and in all honesty I find it quite scary to think that Western governments support hit and run operations like that. This kind of thing is cool to watch in an action film or tv show, but not really how I like to see things get conducted in the real world.
Volunteering: I might get a sort of promotion at my volunteering place. I say "sort of" because it still won't involve any pay, but I might get to help out HR with some slightly more involved things and get trained in how to use
Sage. Learning new things is fun!
I do find myself wondering a little though: this is more good experience if I eventually want to get into an office job, but I actually like my current job so much - even though I originally wasn't that keen on working in retail again - that I'm not sure whether I would even want to take an office position if an opportunity came up now. Not that this is likely to become an issue any time soon, but it's food for thought for sure.
Health / work: Yesterday I wrenched my right pinky finger quite badly at work. For a little bit I was worried that it might be something serious (and it still hurts a whole day later) but I can move it normally so I reckon it can't have been that bad. I also had a weird spell of dizziness and nearly fainted. Fortunately my co-worker Sham immediately put me on a chair so I could just sit still and recover. He also said that "this place just does that to you sometimes". I'd prefer if that kind of thing remained a one-time event, thanks.
Dreams: Last night I had what I thought was a rather amusing dream. In it I helped a young Arnold Schwarzenegger save the world from some giant bugs somehow (he wasn't actually himself, more a character in the style of one of his many film roles), and afterwards he wanted to erm,
"celebrate" with me. I was strangely intrigued (in real life he's not really my type) but still hesitant and wanted to string him along for a bit until I had made up my mind.
Suddenly the scene was invaded by my former classmate Chvojka and his film crew, because he was working on directing a film apparently. Zippe was there as well, working as his special effects specialist, and providing lots of flying pieces of paper for a scene about the passing of time. I told him that I was very impressed with his work as I had always thought that that kind of thing was done with CGI.
Suddenly I noticed that Arnie had got distracted as well, by a sexy young actress in a green superhero outfit. He was particularly busy worshipping her high-heeled boots, and completely ignoring any of my attempts to get his attention back. I was rather grumpy to be dumped in favour of The Green Strumpet (that should totally be a real superhero name) and cursed myself for missing out on the opportunity. I've had plenty of dreams about weird romantic engagements, but I don't think I've ever dreamed about being jilted!