scene xxi

Aug 31, 2011 15:38

[waking up from a proper droning is a strange feeling, much different than the time he had been droned by the milkman, and for a moment Charles wishes in a vague, half-conscious way that he could remember being droned as clearly so he could compare the moments.
and then he actually wakes up, full consciousness hitting him so fast that he feels dizzy. he's awed by the fact that he was gone, had actually left for the first time in a year and a half, but that feeling is quickly replaced by anger. he had been droned, and while his body was still in Mayfield doing who knows what, he’d had the opportunity to carry on with life in his own world only to have it snatched away from him a second time by the very same city. he's out of bed in an instant, trading in the tacky shirt his drone had seen fit to wear to bed for one of his usual ones before dashing to the calendar tacked next to the door.
it's almost humorous in the worst sort of way. he had always thought that if he was droned, being out of commission for weeks at a time would be the worst thing possible. but this? weeks passed in his own world all crammed into a single day in Mayfield? it feels like a slap in the face, and that’s something his pride can’t take. ripping the calendar from the wall, he throws it with enough force to break through the window.
A) ever wonder what a thoroughly enraged chiropteran sounds like? well, fortunate people walking on Bunker Street, today is your lucky day! they sound similar to this and everyone within immediate earshot as well as those with sensitive or hypersonic hearing will be treated to it way too early in the morning. it might even be accompanied by a nice shower of glass depending on how close to 767 you are!
and you’re even more fortunate, housemates!! not only do you get all of the above, but you also get some hideously loud stomping noises (or is that the sound of heavy things being tipped...) and a small curse storm before Charles emerges from his room and makes a determined beeline to the stairs, leaving broken doors in his wake.
B) once out the door he’ll be heading to Beaver Street. 1762 is still a house he keeps tabs on due to Vietnam’s drone, but today he isn’t there to check on her. he’s looking for another person that used to live in that house, one who was droned much earlier than she was. and if he can’t see him through one of the windows there? he’ll be checking the windows of all the surrounding houses just in case.
C) after confirming that not even Riku's drone remains on his old street, Charles has taken to wandering aimlessly for a few hours. he can be found doing anything from listlessly picking through the selection in the library to sitting on a bench in the park and staring at nothing in particular to just walking, and he definitely isn’t paying attention to where he's going, so god help anyone he bumps into. having to deal with a sour attitude will be the least of their worries.]
[ooc; choosing option c might result in some unpleasant and possibly violent encounters, so please leave a note in the subject line stating whether or not you're okay with injuries or fights and to what extent. ;u; thanks!]
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