scene xiv

Jan 15, 2011 15:22

[hello Mayfield, have another babby (though he doesn't look much younger than usual) wandering around the city wearing way too many jackets. those who know Charles may notice that he's in an eerily good mood even with the freezing weather, and anyone out and about can find him:

A) holding a payphone and staring at the dial with a look of intense concentration. the phones where he comes from are archaic in comparison and he is so confused right now.

B) having given up on figuring that out, he's moved to the next building over which just so happens to be the bakery and is now standing with his face about a centimeter from the glass.

C) back at the house he had started out in, sitting on the curb and absentmindedly plucking out bits of grass. there are a few indents in the snow where he's rolled around and made snow angels, but he doesn't want to upset his teachers by ruining his school uniform, so he's decided to stay put until they come pick him up.

ooc; replies will be from desepanouir!]
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