scene xiii

Dec 10, 2010 13:25

[adding to the slew of people who are extremely over-dressed, there is now one (1) miserable chiropteran trudging along the sidewalk downtown. anyone out braving the weather today can find him

A) carrying an armful of delicious-smelling boxes from the bakery! they're stacked pretty high and he can barely see over them, so it's totally not his fault if he crashes into anyone and accidentally sends them stumbling into the road in the way of traffic or something, right...

B) sitting in a bundle of oversized coat and scarf in front of his house with a mug of tea. there is a lumpy, misshapen snowman in the front yard that wasn't there earlier. he will deny making it to the bitter end unless you're Diva, in which case it will be an open invitation to play in the snow.]
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