Aug 31, 2005 21:28
1: A scuffed and somewhat folorn Ten of Spades, lying to the side of a dirt track. It looked like it had been there about a week - enough time to get dirty, but not enough time to begin to decay. If I had a pack that was missing a Ten of Spades, I would have picked it up. As it was, I just thought about it.
2: A freshly woven spider web, hanging between two brown stalks on the edge of a sports field. The morning light was behind them, sparkling off the remains of the mist on the strands. It was so unutterably beautiful that I just. stopped. and looked at it. Incredible.
3: About 50 metres later there were two more webs. One was a tiny one, as if an adolescent spider was making their very first. The other, sitting just behind it, was set in the fork of a stalk, and grew outwards the higher it went. I grinned like a fool for the next few minutes, and wished very hard that I had a camera. But then I was just glad I'd decided to walk that particular way.
4: I was having trouble remembering whether it was an Eight or Ten of Spades, so I looked for the card as Jez and I walked back along the same path. I was quite surprised to disovered that it was a Five - but then I saw that the Ten was a little further on, on the other side. Looks like someone lost two of their cards, which is going to make it impossible for them to play solitaire ...
5: Weirdest discovery of the walk: a discarded toilet bowl, upside down in the underbrush. Who discards a toilet bowl and doesn't even use it as a make-shift pot for plants?
6: When I was waiting at the traffic lights to cross, the primary school children who arrived (it was just before nine am at this point) all picked up bright orange flags from a bucket. When we crossed, they waved them aloft as they trekked across the road, and then put them in the bucket on the other side. That's a new innovation since my time, and a pretty neat one, as it increases their visibility.
7: And just before we got home again, a wee grey kittie was sitting in her garden peering around the edge of the fence as we walked past. No flinching, but no coming out to play, either. Smart kittie.
No conclusions on the Jezebel front, but a few expressions of interest - mostly from down-country. Thank you all for everything you're doing!
No painkillers for me today either, although I'm about to take two. I like this less pain gig - it's less painful. Although I made up for that by getting more blood samples taken this afternoon.
My legs hurt from all the walking ...