Happy St David's Day

Mar 01, 2023 14:39

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus

Hope that you are all having a good day

So far mine is going OK ... I have done some shopping, and had some treatment on my ongoing leg injury. Overall it is doing better ... and will probably do even better if I actually did the exercises on a more regular basis!

I aim to have a fairly lazy afternoon as I am working this evening - so will catch up with you all tomorrow (promise).  I am feeling a lot better (thanks), but don't want to push myself.

Before I finish here, thought I would share some icons that I have made for competitions over on DW. As ever, they are snaggable, and the credits are available over at my icon journal - d4s_icons

These first 2 sets are for Itsabattlefield

Small Battle : 4, and the theme of  GETTING TO KNOW YOU

Colour - I love bright colours
Animal - Jiffy
Hobby - I love travel
Actor - James Marsters


Small Battle : 5, and the theme of B&W

These 2 sets are for Your_Favourites

Round 165 - Favouriet play

One of my favourite plays (despite having to actually study it at school!), is The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wikde ... and my favourite version of the play is the 1952 version -

Round 166 - Favourite Villain

Well anyone who has seen the film Batman Forever must pick The Riddler as a great villain. The other images are of Servalan, and is the villain in the 1980's BBC series Blakes 7 (the first show I got involved in fandom)

So, lets just answer todays question then be lazy -

1 - World Compliment day: Do you think there is still a place in the modern world for unsolicited compliments?
Where I work we get loads of complaints ... so it is nice when people actual say thanks ... and that we are doing a good job.

Right - lets get on x

competition, injury, work, daily meme, st davids day, icons

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