The Bugs Are Fighting Back!

Feb 28, 2023 11:42

The last hour(ish) of my shift on Sunday evening I really started to feel under the weather - working at a hospital I know I am high risk, and at present Norovirus is rampant ... and still a lot of flu and Covid. So a worry.

Yes, I had a bad night, and morning, but with rest and fluids, and more rest I am feeling a lot better ... so luckily whatever it was turned out to be a 24/48 hour something. I am planning another lazy day, catching up a bit here, but the rest snoozing, reading ... and keeping up the fluids.

So no real news, just a catch-up ...

27 - Pokemon Day: Are you or is anybody in your family a Pokemon fanatic?
No - no one

28 - Tooth Fairy Day: Did the tooth fairy visit you whenever one of your baby teeth fell out? If you have children, did/do you have the tooth fairy visit them when they lose teeth? Why or why not?
Oh yes - when I was younger I go 3d ... a threepenny bit, and felt truly rich.
About 10 years ago I had to have a retained baby tooth removed, and did ask the dentist if I could have the tooth to put under my pillow, but he said it wasn't their policy ... so I don't know how much I would have got for a tooth now ... maybe it would even be 20p

Right, let's go and rest ... and I will catch up properly tomorrow.

Hope you are all keeping well x

ill, work, daily meme

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