Not My Fault ... Honest

Feb 22, 2023 12:07

Yes, I know when I posted on Monday I said I would come back and catch up with you all in the later afternoon.  However mid afternoon I was aked if I could work that evening.  As I said I hadn't got many shifts ahead of me, so decided to go in.  As it turned out, when I logged on, I had an email booking me for some more shifts over the next couple of weeks.  Not as many as before, but still good tosee.  When I had been there about an hour the "boss" left and spoke to me, saying that one of the staff was leaving, as we expected, so I will have some more shifts coming up again while she is between staff ... so a really positive evning ... even if I didn;t get a chance to catch up with you all.  Sadly LiveJournal is one of the few sites that won't load on the work pcs.

I had a great day yesterday - cooler than we expected it to be, but it was dry.  Not as many Spring flowers as I had hoped, but as you can see, we still managed to see quite a few.  Coleton Fishacre is a lovely house, designed and built in the 1920's by Rupert D'Oyly Carte. It is a really comfortable place, and one I could easily move into. The other thing I like is that it is "set" as if they had just had to rush out of the house on an errand. Well worth a visit if you are this way. I just need to sort the photos out and then I shall post them.

But before I do that -

22 - World Yoga Day: Do you do yoga? How do you benefit from it?
Don't do it

23 - Digital Learning Day: What are the benefits of digital learning compared to other methods of learning? What are the disadvantages?
It's available for anyone ... however I am "old school" and prefer a teacher, and a pen & paper.

Right I must get on - I am actually working again this evening, and want to get the photos posted, and hopefully everything caught up before I head out. However, if not, it will be Friday as tomorrow Christine is coming into Exeter for the second half of her birthday ... and there will be more photos to post!

lj, day out, spring, work, history

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