Oh Brother!

Feb 07, 2023 14:40

As many of you know I used to be an osteopath, and gave up my profession 13 years ago ... wow, hadn't realised it was that long ago until I worked it out to type this!  Anyway, I got back from clinic this morning to find a text from Tim asking if I could give him some treatment if he walked home via my place as he is doing a load of DIY and has hurt his back.  So much for an afternoon making icons which had been the plan ... I will make a few, but I have got to clean my lounge.  I had been planning to do that this coming weekend, but then with Tim coming over, I need to get ahead of my plans.  They have a very minimalistic place, so little to dust etc ... I am the opposite!

Still clinic was good - all 6 turned up, and although 2 of them were real add-balls it went smoothly.  I suppose it helped because we were the only clinic running in the urology team.

The other annoying thing about my brother is that I had a sports massage yesterday, so wanted the lazy afternoon to give the shoulders a real chance to settle.  I didn't get too much work done on the leg, but new exercises were given.  So positives all round.

Right, cleaning calls ... but before I head downstairs again -

6 - Chopsticks Day: Can you eat with chopsticks? If yes, how often do you use them?
Yes - in fact I was taught by someone who is Chinese. In fact, even if I get a take-away I still use chopsticks to eat a Chinese meal.

Right, I will try and catch up later, but possibly will end up having a lazy evening.

Hope all is well with you all x

osteopath, work, tim, housework, daily meme

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