Well At Least I Have Photos & Icons To Share

Feb 06, 2023 15:05

Yes, Friday got away from me and then on Saturday I met up with Toni, Pete and Toni's dad and step-mum. We had a lovely morning - a short walk, "coffee & cake" and great to catch up, and to celebrate her birthday. She had found it tough to have Derek & Janet staying, as she had been 101% Covid-scared, and then Pete was diagnosed with cancer and things got even worse for her. But as you can see, She actually gave me a hug - so good to see her slowly relaxing, although I don't know that she will ever fully accept the virus situation. Pete is doing well - he isn't now due back for another 3 months, so that is a positive sign.

As you can see Spring is on the way ... although as it's gone a bit icy again I do wonder how much that will survive.

As I said, I also brought icons - these are for round 164 your_favourites, over at DW, with the theme of "plays". One of my favourite plays (despite having to actually study it at school!), is The Importance of Being Ernest by Oscar Wikde ... and my favourite version of the play is the 1952 version -

As ever, they are snaggable.

I worked this morning at the Reception desk, and it was fairly quiet as the clinic numbers were halved due to the strikes. As of next week there is someone starting a permenant contract, so many of my shifts will go ... not as fun for planning more holidays, but better for my brain!

In a moment I have an appointment with my Sports Masseur for my leg injury, but before I go -

3 - Take a Cruise Day: Have you ever been on a cruise? If not, would you want to? Cruise ships cause major environmental damage: a large cruise ship can have a carbon footprint greater than 12,000 cars, while passengers on an Antarctic cruise can produce as much CO2 emissions on a seven-day voyage as the average European in an entire year. The industry is a major producer of waste, with the total amount of rubbish produced by a large cruise ship exceeding a ton per day. And let us not forget that they are also essentially floating germ/virus labs (even before Covid). So do you still want to take a cruise?
I have never fancied one as I am not a "party" person, so can't see why I should pay for something I would not want to do.

4 - Ice cream For Breakfast Day: Have you ever eaten ice cream for breakfast (or for any other meal)?
I never have - but ... why not?!!!

5 - World Nutella Day: Do you like Nutella? How often to you eat Nutella?
No thanks

Right, let's get on. I will try to catch up with you later x

toni, spring, work, daily meme, camera, icons, dartmoor

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