Lovely Weather ... In A Lovely Day

Mar 30, 2022 16:30

It was certainly a week of no-shows ... 2 clinics, and both were missing people.  Yesterday we had 2, although as somehow the clinic had a double booked slot we were glad one of those was missing.  The theory is with the new computer system that was implimented just before Covid that this should never happen ... well, put it this way it's not the first time we have had 2 people booked into the same time slot (and I don't suppose it will be the last)

Yesterday after work I walked up to the local Church because after much cancelleling,/.bad weather etc I met up with another volunteer with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission - so good to meet up with him and to decide what work will be needed there.

Then in the evening I watched the iPlayer to look at the Thanksgiving service for Prince Philip.  I am so glad that The Queen was able to get there ... as well as Prince Philip's family from Europe, all his immediate family (except Prince Harry), and the 51 visiting Royalty (although sadly the King of Norway had Covid, so had to pull out).

Now I have just got back from a lovely walk ... my friend Ceri pickd me up and we went to Exmouth, met Ana and had a walk ... and then we had sausage & chips ... and now back home.  What a great time ... and here are some photos ...


Now, I want to make some icons ... but before that -

29. If you found out a close friend or relative was doing something illegal, what, if anything, would you do about it?
I would hope that I would speak to them ... but it's never happened to me, and you never know how you would truly react

30. If you had to choose one, would you consider yourself a big-picture person or a detail-oriented person?
Big picture

Right, that's me up to date again ... will catch up with you later x

queen, walk, prince philip, daily meme, exmouth, cwcg, friends

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