It's All Tim's Fault

Mar 31, 2022 10:54

OOOps - I didn't get caught up with you all yesterday ... I will try and do better today.  Actually I blame Tim!  Some months ago he challenged me to Scrabble on-line ... I now play against about 10 people on a regular basis, and with most of them I do pretty well.  If I lose it's not a suprise, but my win rate is higher, so that makes me happy.  However Tim is another matter ... he usually thrashes me.  He works as a lawyer, reads factual history books, and had played scrabble since being a teenager (he used to play against Dad) ... so I am not shocked I fail  However yesterday I managed to get a bonus for using all my letters (and hitting a double word score, as well).  So I ended up close ... he still won, though, but he had more of a fight this time.!!

Well, I did say yesterday I was going to do some icons and here are 4 I made for challenge #142 -- from your_favourites, with the theme of "Artificial Intelligence" ... and this has to be The Doctor from star Trek Voyager


I have some more to do, but that's for another day.

Later today I am off for a snack-lunch and an afternoon's talk from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission ... apparently there are a couple of people coming down from HQ ... so that hopefully will be interesting.

But before I head off to do some housework (see I can be a good girl) ...

31. Would you rather wake up every morning with $100 (or equivalent in your currency) in your pocket but not know where it came from, or wake up every morning with $50 (or equivalent in your currency) in your pocket and know where it came from?
£50 ... if I didn't know where it came from I knew it wasn't mine and so I wouldn't dare spend it.

Hope to catch up later xx

star trek voyager, tim, daily meme, icons, cwcg

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