Yes, the weather is lovely ... I only got home at 2.30 having done some work in Admin as well. Now I am here doing this, and am going to head out for a short walk, despite being tired it will be nice to have a few minutes in the fresh air & sunshine.
The Baby Shower went well ... although a couple of her friends dropped out as they were "busy" ... I will admit I wasn't impressed with the food, but the location and the friendship was fun. We all filled in a form asking "what colour hair/eyes, how big will the baby be" etc ... I wonder if any of us will get the facts right (if so, do we get a prize ... or ar we just exept from babysitting!!)
The shawl/throw
The outfit I also bought them
Sunday was a nice lazy day ... our pastor is doing a Lent series of 6 sermons ... actually all based on Dad's favourite verse of the Bible. So it is good, and nice to hear the Bible reading each week.
Now work today ... and will again tomorrow. However I am going for a walk to the cemetery in the afternoon, and then meeting Claire, and walking to meet Tim ... the 3 of us are going to celebrate what would have been Mum & Dad's Platinum Anniversary. So here are 2 days -
21. Should taxpayers have the option to explicitly say what they don’t want their tax money spent on?
No - everyone would have different ideas, and overall national bills need to be paid, whatever you think about them.
22. What is the TL,DR (too long, didn't read) version of your life?
Born ... still living 60 years on
Well that's me - hope to see you Wednesday