Yes, Folks, This Is Where I Work ....

Jan 08, 2021 12:17

As I have Fridays off work, I decided to try and keep my focus, so decided to go for a walk, complete with camera.  So I went for a walk around the outside of the hospital I work at.  The main building was opened in 1992, however as you can see here, if you want that it's history dates back to 1743

Anway, here is a stroll around the outside of The Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital -
If you drive in, then this is the sign that greets you on the road

This is the main entrance, and as you can see by the ambulances there is a medical triage unit just off camera on the left. However, on the first (second if you came from USA) floor, on the left, is the department where I do most of my work ... so, yes, this is the entrance I use.

This is the Orthopaedic entrance ... and for the observant, there are 3 stories, as the building is very long, and built on a slight hill.

This is ED/A&E ... suprise to not see at least one ambulance here

This is the heli-pad, capable of having 2 helicopters on it. The building looking down on it is one of two dialysis units in Exeter

This is the new Medical School building, and actually won an award for design - however judged it obviously never had to walk through it, as it's a weird layout inside. As you can see, at present, it is where one of the Covid clinics are running.

This is Wonford House (and it's gatehouse), and older building amd actually where Claire (my sister-in-law) will be working at some point. It is the admin site for the NHS Devon, as well as the Mental Health HQ for South Devon (ie Offices). Jiffy used to love to walk this way as the grass meant there was always lots to explore, and sniff

This is the newest building, only completed last year, and is a Mother & Baby unit for ladies who are detained under parts of the Mental Health Act ... I actually walk in past this everyday as I weave around the buidings.

And, just to keep up ...
8. Do you often make impulsive purchases?
The thing I to be careful around is jewellery, as I have bought a few things over the years ... and given half a chance, would buy some more!!

photo friday, rde, work, daily meme, camera, jewellery

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