I Am Alive ... Honest ... (Well Almost, Anyway!!)

Mar 20, 2014 08:11

Just spent this last week either at work or in bed ... totally exhausted again.

So haven't turned my computer on.  .... just here to check e-mails and let you know I'm still breathing.

Couple of updates -
  • Claire is still slowly healing and at long last her specialist is pleased with progress.
  • Mum is finding life tough ... the pills are hormone based and .... Dad's Alzheimer's has taken a bit of a step.  So hard to see that at weekends ... and hard to know it's there when I step away at weekdays.
  • Dad has more surgery on his face tomorrow - the mole they cut out a month ago went well, but they didn't cut a big enough margin, so taking him there.
Well I must get dressed and get to work.

Mum & Dad don't know but on Saturday Tim & Claire are coming for lunch ... her first trip out ... to celebrate M&D's 62nd, and their 24th Wedding Anniversaries.

I know I must have missed loads - if so let me know what's happening ... sorry that I have been MIA

anniversary, tim and claire, ill, work, mum and dad

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