So Happy to be Back Here!

Apr 30, 2020 22:46

Not a lot to post about today. I am tired, I want to sleep soon.

I will be so glad when the 15th gets here. We will be done home schooling and out for the summer. Alex graduates from Middle School. He is going into 9th grade, he still has so much trouble reading and writing. I am just hoping he will find something he is good at and likes to earn a living eventually. He is showing interest in wanting to learn to drive and I am so scared. I need someone to teach him. I thought his cool, calm, collected father would be here. Never thought he would die at 54. I still have not met anyone new. Hard to do hiding in your house most of the time. I hate being alone, but I feel like Michael was my soulmate and I am not sure if I would be comfortable with anyone else. Plus I am 53 years old with a 15 year old son with a lot of problems learning problems and traumas he has been through. I am bipolar and my problems with sleep are worse. I had to increase a medication that is for both because, I have not been able to sleep through the night again. It could be this Coronavirus stuff and being locked in the house so much. I get so depressed. I normally visit my parents on Saturdays. For weeks we did not see them, now we are going on Saturdays and sitting on the porch at least 6 ft apart. My mom has diabetes and they are both in their 80's. If Mom got it, I know she would not likely survive and I have no way of knowing if Alex or I am one of those asymptomatic people.

Nice to be back here. It is quiet, but at least I can speak my mind I believe without living in fear or who is reading my posts. On FB I have found out the hard way, moderators are watching us all the time, even on FB messenger which I assumed was private. I found out it is not and if you say something against their rules or post say a nude picture, I would not, but one guy sent one by accident, hit the wrong key. They banned him forever off FB. I read this in an article I found. FB is not good for journaling your feelings especially if you don't feel safe in saying how you feel. I thought I lived in a free country. I hope someone new comes along like FB but not owned by that jerk who I won't name and FB goes out. Nothing last forever and you treat people bad enough eventually you will lose them and then he will have no one to advertise to and to make money off of. I found out he sells our data too, even though I believe he claims he does not. I better check the rules here before I say anymore. I would hate to be shut out of LJ. I don't ever remember any problems here even when I was whining about myself which I sure people got tired of. FB. will grab a word that goes against their rules and rule your post hate speech. Let me know if there is something I need to sure not to say here. I hope they don't read all our posts here and if they do they believe in free speech and are not so unforgiving.

Oh I have a question, what is RSS? I am going to have to learn how to post pictures and video's again. That was fun.

Guess that is it for now. So glad to be back and talking to my friend Jean.

fb., alex, home schooling, personal

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