Hey everyone, so funny not been here in so long I see like three friends on my page. It says I have more, but I don't know who most of them are. I know
Badly_knitted has stayed with me. Thanks! I am back, I am home schooling Alex and it is not fun because of Pandemic. How is everyone? I am here again because it is fun and I feel safer and more free to post what I want to post though I better check the rules out again. Once I do that then I will update you on Facebook where all my family and friends are except you. I don't think any of my family even knows about LJ. I now think I understand why you,
Badly_knitted Jean doesn't like FB. They took down one of my posts, actually 2nd time this has happened and it made me feel bad. They leave this warning thing on my account and still have not taken it off my page through the phone anyway.
I see you are still writing Fanfic Jean. I will never catch up. I want to check some of your stuff out soon. Right now got to help my son with school work. We will be out by the 15th and no idea how they are doing graduation. He will be in High school 9th grade next year. We are doing Zoom chats with teachers and working from home. Really been hard on me, I am not good at math and it is just a lot of work. I hope you are doing well. Let me know.
Debbie :)