Just Checking In:

Sep 17, 2017 22:12

Hey, still here. Life is just hectic. Hey badly_knitted Jean, Sorry haven't posted. Alex is back in school. We are having it rough as always. You would be surprised if I ever came on here and said things were great. Maybe someday. More therapy needed for Alex, he is in trouble at school.

I had one medication cause a bunch of my hair to come out. One I took for bipolar 2 made me so sick for a month I finally had to stop it. Meds just hate me or my body hates them. Also developed a terrible rash on my neck from one med, the one for hives that made my hair come out a bunch. Rash went away last time once med was all out of my system, takes about 2 and a half months to get it all out. Horrible medication though at one time really helped me. Don't get why going back on it caused the hair problem. I expected the rash though dumb doctor never believes me. She is fired. Not seeing her again. My hair is not too bad, just thinner after growing it back out for 4 years after another med caused the same thing to happen, worse back in 2013.

How are you doing? Hope everyone is ok and I get caught up here again eventually. Said that before, just too much to do and I find it hard to get things done.

Mostly posting on Facebook again but, even there just dumb stuff most of the time. Not a place to journal and I am pretty boring and complain too much. Why I don't say much, I don't like bumming people out and I just don't know that I am ever gonna be happy again. Just wanted to vent. Everyone be happy if you can and I hope I don't bother anyone here.


vent, boring post, personal

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