
Jul 29, 2017 02:25

A small update I guess. Dad and I have about got the room downstairs/ad-on room cleaned out, but will still have to figure out where the water is coming in down there before we can have the room fixed up, carpet torn out and make it nice enough to eventually sell this mess of a house.

Neighbors who hate me and we are suing keep leaving their garbage in my yard. I found a slice of untouched pizza one day on the driveway with ants all over it. Everyday I find a bottle open half drank cola's or water bottle. I throw it back in their yard. Can't call cops since they have not damaged my property. So sick of these jerks. I hope God makes them pay one day for their meanness. I think they are evil. I have tried to ignore stuff, but to the point I want to sneak over in the night and leave something like a raw chicken on their porch to rot in the sun. I hate them. Sorry, but they have hurt my son and cause me so much pain I wish they would be punished. There is no justice on this planet.

Ok, just needed to get that out. Tired need to sleep.

(No Spoilers just talking, unless you don't watch trailers) I am however, psyched about the movie "Thor Ragnarok" coming out Nov. 3rd. Saw the trailers on YouTube and it looks crazy but fun and so glad to see Loki "finally" back. I got it bad for him. I want him to stay mischievous, but I want him to be on the good side too. He is always gonna do what benefits him in the end I guess, but I am an old fangirl who wants someone to save him or for him to save himself. Cate Blanchett as Hela looks amazing and Jeff Goldblum is in it! Cool!

More later.

update, loki, me, thor ragnarok, the neighbors from hell

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