Weekend, in no real order

Jan 16, 2011 22:36

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. The lack of a computer is a major factor.

I got up literally before the crack of dawn this morning. How do I know? Well, I know because I watched the sun rise while I was driving to church. My church friend J. was baptized today. She has a pretty, medieval name, and I think it was wise of her not to choose to change it. We have too few pretty, medieval names out there as it is. It was worth getting up very early in the morning to hear her nervously begin to chant the Creed. As her voice gained strength, we in the choir joined her. Then the whole congregation joined. It was beautiful and she was very happy. Apparently, her family was not happy, but that's something everyone has to deal with from time to time.

papertigers is sitting in the middle of the floor putting together an exercise bike. She doesn't want help, so I'm just sitting here marvelling at her handiness. We've been doing a lot better about watching our diet, with treats included. I've been exercising more. I've also been fretting more, but very quietly and I hope invisibly.

The house is quite decently clean. We took our Christmas decor back to klaughingbrook's house tonight, and spent some time talking to her and my excellent nieces. Last night, we were out until quite late at night at silk1's house, and she and her husband and the other niece were all in fine fettle. They introduced me to Just Dance on the Wii and I think I'm in love.

Tomorrow, it seems that we will continue the interaction with others bit in Columbia (where my priest is being transferred, much to my quiet unhappiness) visiting scooterbird and efbq and their family. Overall, we seem to be having a fairly good weekend. I'm concentrating on being grateful for all the wonderful people in my life, and for the nice warm shelter and delicious food.

friends are the family you choose, orthodoxy

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