Who Do I Think I Am? No, Really, Who?

Jan 21, 2011 18:02

I did very well today. I reported a credit card company and related collections company to: 1) Virginia's Department of Consumer Affairs (credit card company is based in VA); 2) Attorney General Douglas Gansler of Maryland (one complaint for each, because I live in MD); 3) the Attorney General of Texas (where the collections company is based); and 4) the FTC (three complaints so far; there will be more for every incident).

I'm in the midst of applying for a job at the State Department and I needed my grad school transcript for that, so I went by AU today and got three copies of my transcript (you never know when you'll need a copy). I applied for a job two weeks ago that asked me to give my grad school GPA, and I didn't have it handy, so I estimated it at 3.4, which I thought was my GPA - just a bit higher than high school (high school GPA was 3.23, which at LvHS kind of qualifies you as a little under mediocre).

My grad school GPA was 3.75, and that was mainly because of a class I took with a very sexist teacher who was fired at the end of the semester.


So here's my question: Obviously, objectively, I am mighty. But when I look at myself, I see someone small and insignificant, and only middling bright. Why is that? Why can't I see the person who got all those good grades, graduated college early with three kinds of honors behind her name, and has worked with NATO and helped foreign governments to write peace agreements? Why can't I see the person who speaks five languages, all at a proficient-to-fluent level? Why, in short, am I always so down on myself?

More importantly, what on Earth can I do about it?

career, school

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