06 HP Philosopher’s Stone

Mar 30, 2018 08:00

Ch6 The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters

>Hedwig brings back dead mice. Think that they are still in the room in DH?

>At this point textbooks are still interesting to Harry. Heck he even names his pet after a historical figure from his textbook.

>Harry is waiting until the last moment to secure his ride to IncompetenceVille. Why am I not surprised?

>Vernon shows exactly why he is not protagonist of this book: he asks questions that should be asked.

>By the way it was MONTH since Dudley gained a tail and only now he is going to hospital for removal.

>Jo, I did not forget that in the last chapter you left Durslays pretty much in middle of the sea without any way of getting to land. Please tell us, how they’ve got back home before Harry?

>”“Have a good term,” said Uncle Vernon with an even nastier smile. He left without another word. Harry turned and saw the Dursleys drive away. All three of them were laughing.” Durslays here are mean, but after last few chapters I can understand where they come from.

>You would think that WW puts here a muggle in-know or a squib to direct more ditzy students, who didn’t listen carefully to explanation given by whoever introduces muggleborns to WW, but nope that is too intelligent. +1 to Uncovered

>Molly Weasley, either you are DD’s co-conspirator or are you the most incompetent witch ever. +1 to Uncovered.

>Apparently even twins share my opinion of Molly, because they are ridiculously rude to her.

>”First year at the Hogwarts?-“’No I just wanted to point out that you are making spectacle of yourself.’

>Not stopping and being calm are required to pass through the barrier? So the barrier isn’t illusion, but since we never see again this kind of magic it can’t be some form of transportation... This should have been my first clue that magic system in these books is all over the place. Also +1 to Death Count since Harry was a nervous wreck during his run.

>I recall someone telling me that Ron’s rat was supposed to be a Chekov’s gun since it’s a pet not listed in the letter, but here we have Lee’s tarantula. Was that supposed to be Chekov’s gun for Aragog?

>Our protagonist who bemoaned his friendless status in chapter 2 not only dissed a boy in the last chapter, who without knowing who he was, seemed to be genuinely interested in him, but now picks an empty compartment. Harry, you might want to modify your tactics if you want to catch some fish. Just saying.

>I remember being very confused when I read this book for the first time, because in the uncivilised part of the world where I live, I have yet to find public school that has prefects. After I learnt what a prefect was, I was even more confused why the heck anybody would give so much power to students in boarding school.

>Good on twins, finding celebrity and then sneakily sending younger sibling after the celeb. How they ended up in Gryffindor? They are slier and more ambitious than most Slytherins in the series.

> “I heard you went to live with Muggles,” said Ron. “What are they like?”
Harry: Terrified of me, not sure why. On side note do you know where I can get some fresh blood?

>Ron tries his hand at poor-and-misunderstood-kid role. Harry is quick to squash that by telling him about his Cinderella background. There is only so much space for angsty characters in one book!

>[about saying word ‘Voldemort’]”I just never knew you shouldn’t” Now Harry it is not nice to lie, you know very well that wizards are bunch of cardboard cut-outs who cannot say nickname of the main villain. Also stop fishing for compliments.

>Wizarding sweets seem to be really unappetising to me.

>Ron has 500 trading cards? I’ve been questioning Weasley’s poverty for quite some time, but even now I find gems like this.

>Author of trading cards forgot to mention Albus’ other occupations.

>First real Chekov’s Gun entered the stage.

>Also I have to wonder- did Dumbledore ever manage to create Philosopher’s Stone?

>In muggle world people stay in photos, just like in wizarding photos, that were not treated with special elixir... Consistency?

>Neville: Have you seen a toad?
Harry: Meh, he will turn up someday.

>I get this strange feeling that Ron sees pets as possessions and not companions. Mind you, animals in these books are treated very strangely, but still.

>Ron’s fairytale-like spell fails here, yet Tom’s fairytale-like spells always works.

>Hermione tried a few spells before coming to Hogwarts and nobody came to break her wand? And they even worked, if you wondered! +1 to Crime Count

>Hermione here is both cute and obnoxious. I have to agree with her- in Harry’s position any sane person would check what books say about them and their parent’s murderer. But then again Harry has his author on speed dial.

>Also why authority-figure-loving Hermione doesn’t go to Prefect to find the toad? Or for that matter comments on Ron having a rat as pet?

>If you were put in Slytherin Ron, not only these books would be so much better, but also you would get a character development.

>Apparently everybody knows that Voldy was Slytherin student, yet nobody tries to figure out his real name. Nor discovers that there is no student with ‘Voldemort’ as last name? And his followers think that he is pureblood?? +1 to Leap of Logic

>Chekov’s gun numero dos was just introduced. What do you think goblins would do if some helpful soul would tell them just who exactly tried to rob them?

>Ron claims that people are scared, because supposedly dead Dark Lord might be behind the robbery. I start to think that this is just what members of Order of Babysitting believe.

>Chapter ago Draco made really strong impression on Harry. Fast-forward a few years and Harry won’t be able to name his classmates.

>Foreign names are funny. Got it!

>“You’ll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter” Some of them even care enough to remember their kid’s preferences!

>”“I’d be careful if I were you, Potter,” he said slowly. “Unless you’re a bit politer you’ll go the same way as your parents. They didn’t know what was good for them, either. You hang around with riffraff like the Weasleys and that Hagrid, and it’ll rub off on you.”” Now some people claim that Draco threatens Harry here, but the way I see it he simply gives him a very good advice. After all, wizards do not seem to have any laws about assaulting each other. Especially with magic.

>I wonder what Ron was wearing under his jacket.

>+1 to Death Count for potential head trauma followed by drowning in the Lake.

>One would think that Augusta would get Neville a terrarium for his Escape Artist Toad.

Crime Count: 1

Death Count: 2

Freud Would Be Proud: 0

Leap of Logic: 1

Uncovered: 2

Spell Count: 0

philosopher's stone, chapter commentary: ps/ss, author: chantaldormand, chapter commentary, ps/ss

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