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Comments 11

sunnyskywalker January 15 2015, 03:31:23 UTC
If Hermione was meant to be saying that Lavender and Parvati are the ones obsessing over Firenze because they think of him as a pretty horsie, I have to say she failed terribly. It just comes across as all three of them thinking of him that way, which is horrible.


aikaterini January 15 2015, 21:52:21 UTC
/Hermione: He’s nothing but a horse to me ( ... )


jana_ch January 15 2015, 22:55:36 UTC
We don't know what spell Kingsley used on Marietta. Maybe he only Imperiused her into answering the way he wanted, and left her memory alone. I find that much more forgivable. By all accounts Imperius is temporary; Obliviation is permanent, and Confundus may or may not cause long-term damage.


sweettalkeress January 16 2015, 03:49:02 UTC
"Which incident?"

I was going for a Noodle Incident type of scenario. The fact that this wasn't recorded in this parody anywhere is supposed to be the joke.

"A reminder to the peanut gallery that this is the same person who will allow a student to nearly kill two other students."

That's true. And yet there are people who insist that Dumbledore is a loving and protective father figure to his students despite all evidence to the contrary.


dracasadiablo January 16 2015, 03:51:11 UTC
The "if you like horses" line is not only a terrible offensive garbage. It also makes no sense at all. That and the later "he's half human" lines are factually incorrect ( ... )


jana_ch January 17 2015, 02:50:05 UTC
Despite her role as the "brain" of the Trio (not exactly a high bar) and her pretentions to liberalism, Hermione is only a schoolgirl. Sometimes one just fires off a zinger, without thinking of the implications, and I think that's what she was doing here. Humor can be nasty, and I don't expect anyone's political correctness to be flawless at all times. Especially not when the "humorists" involved are teenage girls who are mainly interested in poking at each other.


dracasadiablo January 17 2015, 04:16:23 UTC
I'm not sure that I agree ( ... )


hwyla January 17 2015, 06:54:39 UTC
For me, it isn't just out of character, it's also inconsistent within the plot of the book. That is unless JKR is trying to imply here that Hermione didn't really know enough about centaurs to be aware of what she was doing leading Umbridge into the forest in search of the 'herd ( ... )


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