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hwyla January 17 2015, 06:54:39 UTC
For me, it isn't just out of character, it's also inconsistent within the plot of the book. That is unless JKR is trying to imply here that Hermione didn't really know enough about centaurs to be aware of what she was doing leading Umbridge into the forest in search of the 'herd'.

I can somewhat see it as JKR giving Hermione an 'excuse' for what seems most likely to have been setting Umbridge up for rape (or at the very least some sort of hazing - tho' the implications are clear to anyone who knows the 'classics'). In other words suggesting that Hermione hasn't read the 'classics'.

However, I see it more as Hermione intentionally leading Umbridge to the centaurs so they can 'take care of her' for them. She knew enough to believe that the centaurs wouldn't harm her or Harry since they would be considered 'foals'. So, JKR has Hermione being very inconsistent here. Knowing a great deal about centaurs - or at least enough to successfully manipulate them, even tho' she almost messed up since she and Harry aren't that young anymore - but still being so dismissive of Firenze here.

I suppose it could also be somewhat about not just 'silly girls' Lavender and Parvati, but Hermione's dismissal of the entire subject of divination. It isn't until the next book that she becomes aware of 'true prophecies' (or at least after the fight in the DoM, later this book)


dracasadiablo January 17 2015, 08:01:51 UTC
You're right. It really makes no sense at all.
It possible that Jo was half assing it deliberately so, in case people who know their classics made too much of a fuss, there was some plausible deniability to invoke.

It isn't until the next book that she becomes aware of 'true prophecies' (or at least after the fight in the DoM, later this book)
Is it?
I can't remember, wasn't she informed about that prophecy from the third book?
Or was it the case of Harry not bothering to tell her about it?

But on the dismissal of the entire subject of divination; after the final book that makes no sense at all too.
The thing is, if Hermione is supposed to be this blind DD follower? If she really thinks his judgment is perfect?
Then how can she just dismiss a subject that's taught in best school ever and supported by the best Headmaster ever?
Disliking the teacher or thinking she's a fraud? Well, after all defense teachers they had, that's understandable.
But why isn't she going; "Here's a new teacher, handpicked by DD, and the teacher is a centaur! And everybody who ever read such and such book knows they can read the stars and predict the future! Oh, it must be that the class will learn something now! "


nx74defiant January 17 2015, 21:14:25 UTC
It makes sense to me. Rather than admit she might regret not taking the class she lashes out.


Hand=picked teachers hwyla January 18 2015, 00:48:22 UTC
But, why should THIS teacher picked by Albus be better than the DADA teachers? Albus picker them, too! Of course she's just had 2 years of what she thinks at the time are pretty competent DADA teachers (Remus and FakeMoody), so she shouldn't be too dismissive of them right then. After all, Umbridge was forced on him. So I suppose you're correct, that she ought to be expecting the new Divination teacher to be an improvement.

As for prophecies - I don't recall Harry mentioning the one about Peter. In my memory she said something about having just found out there were REAL prophecies and I linked that to the visit to the DoM - but I could be wrong on that. Truthfully, I feel pretty sure that she didn't say that until after Harry told her about the one regarding him, but again, I could be wrong.

IF she knew about the one in 3rd year about Peter, then she would know there were such things as real prophecies before since that one had proven true already with Voldy's rising. But I'm pretty sure that Harry only mentions it to Albus after Peter escaped. I really cannot even recall whether he mentioned it before the time-turner event or after. It's really a bit badly done that they go back in time but don't manage to catch Peter as well as freeing Buckbeak and Sirius. So I'm pretty sure Harry didn't mention it until after time righted itself again.


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