Random things about my style

Aug 19, 2010 19:42

So I have a weird style of doing things. Sometimes I do things in the name of goodness and it's funny how they are sometimes looked upon as things a person shouldn't do. For example, the other day it was raining and I parked next to an old beat up car with its windows down. So I looked in it and saw that it was a manual car. So I opened the doors and rolled up the manual windows. Then I closed the doors and left the driver side one unlocked how I found it. I told a friend of mine about this and she said it was weird and I shouldn't do that. Well, I've done done this several times when people have left there lights on. I always figured it was an odd thing to do, but I know I'd want someone to keep my battery from dying. That'd be so nice, you know? But oh well, I always knew I did things differently.

Also I've always wanted to run away. Now I've thought about joining the carnival, joing a biking gang, and building a rolling house on an old truck. I've always wanted to travel in weird ways. Or just to be free. I've always loved stuff that I had because it was all sentimental and that's why I have a hard time leaving, because I have so much crap. Right now I want to get rid of stuff but I don't want to abandon my stuff. I give personalities to all my stuff. I don't even want to get rid of my Batgirl t-shirt for that silly reason.

Also I aways was a tomboy and now I'm still the same old me but who I am doesn't fit within the typical words of describing people. But I've always been weird old me :) I've always was a gross kid who thought mixing all my and my friends' left over food to make nastiness. I've always drawn and colored pictures in ways that were 'wrong' or more 'adult' and it's funny that now I don't even though I think it'd be funny as hell. It's just weird that when you grow up, if you draw naked pictures that it's sexual or inappropriate. As a kid you're just told not to because 'you don't know any better.' Either way, it's still funny as hell to me.

I don't know, I guess I'm just a kind-hearted, free-seeking, off-color tomboy. Hahahaha I like it :)


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