Aug 12, 2011 11:41
...or, you know, more than usual. Cause I'm sure most people realize that my default is somewhere in the bat shit realm rather than in the norm spectrum. Yup.
Anywho...what's happening is this. I'm writing. Yah, I know I've done little random bits and pieces before but this time I'm actually doing something that's somewhat involved, I got inspire a while back from some art and decide "Hey, I should write that!". Figured I could do a little something to go with the pics, you know? But it's turning into a word monster and I've barely even typed anything yet!
I've been laying out my plans and ideas for the plot, trying to be a proper about it so I know what I'm writing and where I'm going with it before I start because otherwise, I lose the plot. Literally. But ideas keep jumping up and saying "Hey, add me!" Not in a bad, omg you've tried to fit too much in kind of way but in a wow you could combine these fandoms in a sort of subtle way and you should actually get some really cool story depth kind of way. Only it means what I'm writing is going to be WAY longer and more involved than planned and the two fandoms being woven together are so completely not normal. but I think it works.
Needless to say, I'm not posting anything, not even a blurb, summary or further hint, until I've actually written at least a complete first draft. As much as I would like to hint and tease and get people to help cheer me on, I'm terrified that it will never be finished so I don't want to leave people hanging. Does that make sense?
So, fingers crossed. I would really like to get it done, though, because I think the idea works well and I would LOVE to see what other people think.
Btw, where do people get those little bar thingies that show how much one has typed on a story? That you can post in your journal as a running tally? I know a lot of people use them for BB or Nano but don't know where they get them. Might help me to see just how far I've gotten as I go along. :)
Hope you're all well and I'm sorry I keep dropping off the grid so often lately! *hugs*