Feb 20, 2007 15:27
I'm such a paper nerd. They're cleaning out the press pit and there's all kinds of leftover stock out there. I should get as much as I can, I suppose. I've already gotten 200 sheets of transparent printing paper, which is very similar to vellum, but thinner, and a whole, unopened(!) ream of French Paper Speckletone Oatmeal. That won't mean anything to anyone but me, I'm sure. But it's like a $30 ream of paper AND it's something I think I can use for Save the Date cards. HMMMMMMMMmmmmmmm..... I'm going to go check the envelopes after everyone's gone.
I haven't felt well all day, so I may not stay. I just feel like the beginnings of a migraine. I took a whole hour for lunch today and got out of the building (well, went to McDonalds and read a book) but it didn't really help. I grounded myself for a few minutes by standing barefoot on the cement floors, and that helped a little. I'm just very tired and I'm at a standstill on wedding stuff, so I don't have anything to be thinking about to perk me up.
Yesterday was R and my one year anniversary. We didn't do much. I bought him some more toys for his desk. He didn't get me anything new, since he got me a 400GB hard drive last month. We went to Reale's for dinner and I was really looking forward to a cannoli for dessert. They have the best cannolis I've ever tasted! And I was especially wanting one since they were out when we were there last week and I didn't get my fix. Guess what?! They were out again. I'm going to call in a pick-up order on my way home tonight and they had BETTER have some, or I'm going to throw a royal fit. Our waitress told me I could :D
I bought a hemming foot last night at Hancock's after dinner, thinking it would be really easy and I could just whip some napkins together. HA! Not so. I struggled and struggled. It put me in a really bad mood, because I read all the instructions and watched the instruction viedo over and over. Finally, I found someone else's instructions on how to use a hemming foot and I tried that. It seemed to work better. I didn't spend a lot of time on it after that because I was tooooo exhausted. Maybe that frustration is transferring over to today. But I want to get home and try it some more. Sadly, I'll probably get home and not feel up to doing anything at all. The foot is a little small. It comes in 2mm and 4mm sizes. The gal sold me 2mm, but I'm considering going back on my way home and getting a 4mm, too. The 2mm is just so small...
Back to the salt mines!