[Public] Books about women

Mar 04, 2011 12:29

Hey everyone,

for one of the online groups I am in, we have a challenge to read books about women this month. We get one point for reading a book in each category (a given book can only count for one category, and only one book per category counts. hope that makes sense).

I need help thinking of books in each category. There is no way in hell I will read 12 books this month, but I'd like to have some to choose from. I've listed a few that I already know I own or want to read. If you can think of any I should get, please let me know!

1. Features a Woman in Science/Medicine
  The Good Daughters (Based on the description, I guess this could also go for #2. But I haven't read it, maybe I'd decide after reading.)
2. Features a Woman in the Arts (writer, artist, actress etc)
  The Thirteenth Tale
3. Features a Mother
  Secret Daughter
4. Features a Group of Female Friends
5. Features a Woman who Excels with Computers/Technology
6. Features a Women in Government/Law/Police-Work
  Scent of the Missing
  The Likeness
7. Historical Fiction with a Female Main Character
  Jane Eyre
8. Features a Woman in Sports
9. Features a Woman from a Culture Other Than Your Own
  Reading Lolita in Tehran
10. A Biography/Autobiography/memoirs of a Woman (non-fiction)
  Incidents in the life of a Slave Girl
  Mennonite in a Little Black Dress
11. Features a Woman who "Kicks Butt" (fighter, superhero, etc)
12. Features a Woman who You Admire (tell us why) (It is quite sad that I can't come up with one for this.......)


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