[Friends] Whoa

Jun 09, 2013 10:45

Wow. It's been almost 6 months since I wrote in here. I think this is the longest I've ever gone without writing an LJ post. I've left a few sporadic comments over these 6 months, but really not enough.

I'd like to promise to return, but I honestly think that will just turn into a promise in the air. Actually I am strongly considering starting a new LJ for this phase in my life, since ... well, I'm not in Texas anymore. I've got an idea for the new name, and it is currently available... so I just need to ... do it. But it was a purged journal, so I'm afraid people will think I am whoever the old owner was.

At the very least, I have a lot of mission101 stuff to go back and fill in here. I've been busy on those tasks during this time.

Right now I'm getting ready to head off to Atlanta for NAACL and then the next week for a work-related workshop... I'll try to post some.

Anything new and exciting going on with all of you that I should know about?
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