[Mission 101] I'm at it again

Jan 01, 2011 00:56

I finished my previous attempt at mission101 back in August with very little fanfare. I didn't even make a post about it. I learned quite a bit about myself during the experience and decided I would give it another go. Originally I wanted to start on December 1, but I had some trouble finishing up my list. I spent a lot of time on it today and I'm pretty satisfied. But like last time, I'll give myself the flexibility to change it up a little if needed.

Start Date: January 1, 2011
End Date: September 28, 2013

A penalty of 1/2 the failure penalty will be assessed for changing a goal completely or to make it easier to complete.

Bold: I haven't started this goal, or I've started but haven't made much progress.
Bold-italic: I am at least halfway through this goal
Strikethrough: I completed this goal
Red: I failed this goal

I hope to make a post in my journal for each completed goal (or partial completion, in such cases).

The cost associated with each goal is how much I will donate to some charity of my choice if I do not complete the goal. The cost is variable (unlike what I've seen most people do) for two reasons.
-- Some of these cost a lot of money, and we are trying to save money. These compete. Expensive things have a lower cost because I don't want to penalize myself for being cautious with my money if necessary. But if I do have the extra money at some point, these things are a priority.
-- Some of these items were on my previous 101 list and never got done because I am either lazy or just dreading doing them. These have a higher cost so I am more likely to do them this time around.

I want to improve my photography skills
1. Complete Lists 1 and 2 of 100_snapshots [120/200] ($0.02/prompt)
  I did 64 prompts from the first list already for my first mission. With doing project 365 also, I should be able to finish both lists easily within the time of this mission. (See all photos here).

List 1(1-Safety)(2-Stale)(3-Feathered)

List 2(1-Wild)(2-Animated)(3-Overlook)(4-Browse)(5-Trajectory)
2. Complete Project 365 ($5)
  Take at least one picture each day for a year. In theory, I have to put some thought into these pictures, not just putting zero effort into a random pic. Which means I am taking multiple photos to get the shot right.
2011 Attempt: [352/365]
2012 Attempt: [366/366] (but my purse was stolen with my camera in it and I hadn't uploaded in a while... so lost almost a month's worth of photos... sad)
2013 Attempt: [365/365] (I took them all, I'm just really behind on uploading to flickr.)
3. Replace at least one photo on my "best photo" board each month during the mission [16/33] ($0.50/month)
  I read somewhere that this is a good way to improve your skills. Choose your 20 best photos. Replace one photo each month. I've already chosen my best photos. All photos are here
Done: Jan 11, Feb 11, Mar 11, Apr 11, May 11, Jun 11, Jul 11, Aug 11, Sep 11, Oct 11, Nov 11, Dec 11, Jan 12, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 12, May 12, Jun 12, Aug 12, Sep 12, Oct 12, Nov 12, Dec 12, Jan 13, Feb 13, Mar 13, Apr 13, May 13, Jun 13, Jul 13, Aug 13, Sep 13
4. Acquire a digital SLR camera ($1)
  I'm trying to improve my photography skills, and this is the next step. But they are pretty expensive, so I'll have to see its priority with the other costly things on this list.
[Purchased 1/1/12]
5. Obtain and learn to use Photoshop ($1)
  Obtaining is first, of course, which is costly (unless I get it illegally, which I'm not a fan of). Once I get it, I'll decide exactly what I want to learn - I'm not interested in the "put x in a picture where it wasn't before" type things that are common on the internet, more like effects, bringing out colors ... uh, stuff.
6. Take a photography class ($2)
  Mostly this comes after the "get an SLR" goal, so I can learn how to use it properly.
[Spring 2013] Took Levels 1 and 2 at the Howard County Community College.

I love studying languages and being able to communicate with others in their native language (hence me becoming a linguist!). Unfortunately, there aren't many people around here to practice with. The internet is wonderful for this! These goals will encourage me to work on my foreign language skills.
7. Complete the free French lessons on LiveMocha ($3)
  I took French in high school but have forgotten a lot of it. I'd like to brush up on it.
8. Complete the free German lessons on LiveMocha ($3)
  I took German in college - I'm much better at this currently than I am French, but still pretty rusty.
9. Complete the free Finnish lessons on LiveMocha ($3)
  I really want to learn this language, but obviously there aren't many Finnish speakers around here for me to practice. This is a good way to begin.
10. Learn to recognize all the Farsi (Persian) letters and numbers ($3)
  I've been working on this and can do quite a few of them. To call this goal complete, my Farsi speaking friend will bring up a random Farsi article and I'll transliterate it for him.
11. Write a letter/email to someone in a foreign language ($3)
  A letter must be at least one page hand written. An email must take up the entire text box.
12. Read a book in a foreign language ($3)
  Not a children's picture book. Probably at least like 4th grade level chapter book or story? I know what I mean, anyway.

While many of my goals in other categories also use the internet or various web-sites, these goals don't really fit into any other category.
13. Watch 100 movies for my community weekly_movies [34/100] ($0.10/movie)
  I want the community to be more active, so I need to watch more movies. Plus, there are a ton of movies left on the list and I'll never get to the end of it if I don't get going...
[Keeping track of this goal with a tag in the comm.]
14. Get the level 4 DJ badge on blip.fm [0/30] ($3)
  I need to post one song every day for 30 days in a row.
15. Get at least 10 new trophies in Kingdom of Loathing [10/10] ($0.50/trophy)
  An internet game I've been playing for many years (5.5, to be exact). I want to earn more in-game trophies.
[6/11/11] - Golden Meat Stack (1,000,000 meat in HC)
[6/11/11] - Desert Wind (multi-use 29 palm-frond fans)
[6/20/11] - Right tool for the Job (spend 100 adventures in the bathroom with gnollish autoplunger equipped.)
[6/20/11] - Easy Come, Easy Go (discard a pretty flower)
[7/4/11] - Festive Dismemberment (blow off my fingers with a firecracker on July 4)
[7/16/11] - The Three Amigos (donate 1M meat to each of the 3 statues).
[7/20/11] - The Best Meal of My Life (eat a bunch of junk food from white citadel)
[7/30/11] - Slapstick (Discard and slip on three banana peels)
[8/8/11] - Hunter in Darkness (Successfully hunt 5 wumpii in a row without dying)
[8/17/11] - Golden Spatula (Discover 50 cooking recipes)
16. Submit a secret to PostSecret ($25)
  The cost is so high because in theory this is an easy goal to complete, and for some reason it was uncompleted on my previous mission list. It's not as if I don't have secrets to post..
17. Send my limit of postcards each month on Postcrossing [8/33] ($1/month)
  Currently I can send 11 cards a month. For some reason I send a lot more forum cards (I sent 18 officials in 2010, but waaay more forum ones) even though I prefer officials to the forum because this way I get cards from new people all the time, even though they may not conform as well to my "wishes". So I want to get back in the habit of sending officials.
Done: Feb 11, Mar 11, Apr 11, May 11, Jun 11, Jul 11, Aug 11, Sep 11
Missed: Jan 11, Oct 11, Nov 11, Dec 11
18. Restart my Dog Blog ($3)
  Back in August, I started a tumblr account where I post pictures of dogs. I was having a lot of fun taking photos of dogs. But then it fell off when I got married in October, and I haven't started it back up or even taken any dog photos since. I want to get it back up and running.
--- To be considered complete I must:
1. Make "business cards" to give to dog owners when I take photos. [2/13/2011]
2. Photograph at least 30 more dogs. [14/30]
3. Post for at least 40 straight weekdays (M,T,W,R,F) without missing. [0/40]
4. Have at least 30 unique followers on tumblr/twitter. [7/30]

If you own it, use it!
I have a bunch of stuff that I don't use, or that I have planned to use in some specific way and never got around to. I also have a few large collections that just sit around in boxes - what's the point of collecting them if I am not going to display them or take care of them? These goals encourage me to actually use/display what I have.
19. Get my Morrow jersey autographed ($25) [Exception: If something comes up that is beyond my control within 3 months of my mission starting - like him getting injured or traded so he is no longer at practices. I don't anticipate that, but who ever does?]
  I have a Brenden Morrow jersey. I keep forgetting to take it with me to practice for him to autograph it. I should do this.
20. Use our kit to make (or attempt to make) our own wine ($10)
  Christmas 2008, my husband's mom gave us a "make your own wine" kit. It has been sitting in our kitchen ever since. We should actually make the wine.
[6/21/11] Started wine kit. Let's see if the ingredients are still any good!
[7/1/11] Filtered sediment out of wine as per directions.
[7/15/11] Went to do the next step, but there was a thick layer of white mold floating on top of the liquid. So we trashed it. Sad. We'll have to try it again sometime in a more timely manner.
21. Complete the puzzles I own [6/6] ($2/puzzle)
  I like doing jigsaw puzzles, so I buy them. But then I don't make time to do them.
1. Looking for Texas (done)
2. Deer Woman
3. American Flag
4. Dad's puzzle #1
5. Dad's puzzle #2
6. Dad's puzzle #3
22. See the following 5 things through our telescope (Cost: $2/thing)
  We have a telescope. We have used it exactly twice.
[1] Jupiter and its moons (Proof)
[2] Saturn's rings
[3] The Space Station
[4] Andromeda Galaxy
[5] Orion Nebula
23. Complete all the projects in this electronics book [2/35](Cost: $2/project) 7/12/11 $5 penalty for changing goal - it used to be about using rollerblades
I begged and begged for someone to get me this book for Christmas 2009. Someone did. I did 2 of the projects and then never touched the book again.
24. Organize my stamp collection ($25 if no attempt at all is made, $5 if at least something has been done)
[3/2012] Got album and mounts for advanced Lotta. Put in ones I own.
[4/2012] Purchased albums for US commems.
  I have a very large stamp collection, but right now it is all just in a big cardboard box. Some of them are in envelopes, some are in plastic baggies. This is not a good way to do a stamp collection. The gradiated scale is because I know it will cost a lot to buy a lot of albums and cases and mount, so maybe I can't afford to get them all before the end of the mission. But some would be good.
25. Get postcard collection up-to-date on Flickr ($20)
  This is free for me, hence the high cost. I don't need to buy any cards, I just need to scan the ones I have, adjust quantities on some that have already been scanned and uploaded, and make sure they are put in appropriate sets. An unspoken part of this goal is to KEEP it up-to-date until the end of the mission.

These things involve me going somewhere just for the sake of going (though a few goals elsewhere involve travel for specific reasons, e.g., to see the Stars play). They are somewhat arranged in terms of distance/difficulty.
26. Take the TRE to Fort worth and ride on the top ($10)
  The TRE is a double decker train. I have never been on one. I want to go on it and ride on the top level. We can go to the zoo or some of the museums over there so it's not just a train ride.
[9/3/2011] Used the TRE to visit the Fort Worth zoo.
27. Go all the way around Dallas on Belt Line Road ($5)
  This road goes all the way around the city. I want to take a full day (and lots of gasoline) and travel it - we can plan ahead of time where we'll stop along the way.
[9/4/2011] Done!
28. Visit a desert ($2)
  Any desert!
29. Visit a National Park ($2)
  Any national park except Acadia, which I've been to a few times already.
[September 2012] - Denali National Park
30. Visit my family in Maine once per year [3/3] ($5/year)
  I live in Texas (and now Maryland). My family is still in Maine. I don't see them nearly enough.
[Thanksgiving 2011]
[August 2012 - Blueberry Festival]
[August 2013] - Blueberry Festival
31. Put my foot in the Pacific Ocean ($2)
  I finally got to go to California last month, but I didn't make it to the ocean. Been in the Atlantic back home in Maine many times, and also in Florida, but never the Pacific.
32. Vacation in a non-North American country we've never been to before ($1)
  Our honeymoon (Caribbean) doesn't count for this goal, just because I said so. Neither do conferences - that's work, not vacation!

I love doing crafts, it's so relaxing and gives me a good feeling when I complete something. But I never make time for it these days.
33. Do a cross stitch/latch hook/or similar ($10)
  I used to do stuff like this all the time, and haven't in what feels like forever.
working on it..
34. Do a large paint by number ($10)
  I love these things. I want to do another, large sized one.
35. Create something using the pottery wheel ($10)
  I got this for my "little sister" and she and I used it once. But there are still 3 portions of clay left.
36. Sew an article of clothing from a pattern ($5)
  I've always wanted to do this. I see lots of patterns in the store that I would actually wear but I'm afraid I'll mess it up.
37. Crochet a throw ($5)
  "Learn to crochet" was too vague last time. This is a more concrete goal that will require some crochet skills.
38. Knit a hat ($5)
  I can knit squares. I'd like to learn to knit something a little more complicated.
[7/15/11] Bought a book with knitting patterns for cute hats.
[7/20/11] Knitting lesson! Learned how to cast on and bind off. Reminder how to purl. Learned a new way to knit, "picking", which seems faster if I can learn it properly. Went over terminology and two ways to increase. Now just need to practice.

Food and Drink
Goals having to do with eating and drinking (or not). Many are due to the facet that my husband and I are trying to cook at home more - we were going out 5-6 nights a week and it was getting way too expensive.
39. Start my own herb garden ($10)
  We'd like to save the money on fresh herbs for the stuff we're cooking. Plus I'd like to try my hand at keeping something alive.
Attempt #1 (failed)
40. Try one new recipe per month [14/33] ($1/month)
  We want to expand the number of things we eat at home.
   (Jan 2011) (Feb 2011) (Mar 2011) (Apr 2011) (May 2011) (Jun 2011)
   (Jul 2011) (Aug 2011) (Sep 2011) (Oct 2011) (Nov 2011) (Dec 2011)
   (Jan 2012) (Feb 2012) (Mar 2012) (Apr 2012) (May 2012) (Jun 2012)
  (Jul 2012) (Aug 2012) (Sep 2012) (Oct 2012) (Nov 2012) (Dec 2012)
  (Jan 2013) (Feb 2013) (Mar 2013) (Apr 2013) (May 2013) (Jun 2013)
  (Jul 2013) (Aug 2013) (Sep 2013)
41. Find 5 new non-national restaurants that we like enough to eat at regularly [1/5] ($2/restaurant)
  We have a small set of restaurants we go to when we eat out. We'd like to expand our choices.
[8/12/11] Brazil Brasileiro
[10/2011] CoalFire Pizza
Cha Ya Thai
Frisco Grill
42. Bring lunch/eat lunch at home every day for a week, five times. [4/5] ($5/week)
[7/7] [7/7] [7/7] [7/7] [0/7]
  We spend a lot of money going out to eat every day for lunch. We've been trying to eat at home for lunch, but it's just not as good so it's hard to keep motivated.
43. Go 30 days making all coffee/espresso beverages at home [30/30] ($20)
  In theory we could do this, but usually we are running late so we hit up a coffee shop instead. Or we make our own in the morning, but need a pick-me-up in the middle of the day. Sometimes I've spent over $100 in a single month. That's dumb.
Done Feb 1 - March 2, 2011
44. Give up Alcohol for one month [31/31] ($20)
  Probably you can figure out why I might want to do this.
[Done January 2012]
45. Get a plate at Flying Saucer [103/200] ($2)
  Somewhat contradictory to the previous goal - Flying Saucer is a bar that has hundreds of beers available, and a huge number of them are on tap. If you try 200 different beers, you get a plate on the wall. I want one. I've already had 34 there, so I have a little head start (actually a lot more than that, but I didn't join the club to keep track until a few months ago).

Entertaining things I've been meaning to do that don't really fit anywhere else.
46. Get a caricature drawn ($5)
  I've always been somewhat scared to do this. I need to suck it up and get it done.

47. Beat a video game. ANY video game! ($10)
  In my previous mission 101, I listed 6 goals for beating 6 individual games. I didn't beat a single one.
48. Go camping once per year [0/3] ($5/year)
  We got an awesome tent as a wedding gift. We should use it.
Failed 2011, 2012
[2013] Camping in Mt. Sunapee State Park, New Hampshire.
49. Go to a Mavs game ($5)
  I've lived in Dallas since 2003 and have never gone to a Mavs (basketball) game. I go to hockey all the time and managed a baseball game for the last mission. This is the last one (well, minus the cowboys, but I have no interest in football and the ticket prices are exorbitant anyway)
50. See the Stars play an away game live ($2)
  I love my Stars! We go to a bunch of home games each year and watch most of the rest on TV. But going to an away game would be awesome.
51. Go on three wine tours [0/3] ($2/tour)
  Not like "tour a winery", but rather go to some place with multiple wineries in the area and try a few.
52. Go skydiving ($5)
  I've been wanting to do this for years and years and years. Tandem jumps are fine for this goal, of course.

Being active, or learning to do something, that takes a somewhat longer term commitment.
53. Try yoga ($5)
  I've been wanting to try this for a few years. I could use some peaceful way to relax, and some of my friends do yoga and swear by it. And reading Eat, Pray, Love (while I wasn't impressed with the book as a whole) reinforced this desire. I must go to at least 5 classes for this to count, but they don't need to be consecutive or even at the same place.
  [Purchased coupon (exp. 11/2011) for 5 yoga sessions at a studio near our home. Didn't use it.]
54. Test out of Bronze 2 by the end of the mission. ($5)
  Originally, this goal was "take dance lessons", but between the time when I started writing this list and now we have started them.
[7/19/11] Tested out of pre-bronze! (could have done this months before but kept putting it off)
[9/16/11] Tested out of bronze 1.
[12/20/12] Complete!
55. Take the next level of ice skating lessons ($3)
  We took ice skating lessons last year and really enjoyed it. And then we didn't go skating for 8 months until a few days ago. We should go more often (maybe that should be the goal, since perhaps it's more likely than the cost of the next set of lessons) and practice what we learned last year, and learn new skills as well. Especially since Ryan spent a lot of money on his own skates.
56. Take some kind of self defense lessons ($3)
  This is just beneficial for women in general, and I am particularly unaware of how these things are done. I sat in on a kenpo karate class a few years ago and thought it seemed like fun but just haven't gotten the funds. It doesn't have to be karate, it could even be the few lesson "self-defense for women" thing offered by my university as long as I get on the ball and take it before I graduate.
[3/3/2011] Signed up for the class through the University Police for March 11-13.
[3/13/2011] Done and passed the class!
57. Go geocaching 15 times, 5 of which must require traveling [0/15] ($2/geocache) Goal changed: $5 penalty.
  I signed up for geocaching over a year ago. My husband and I each have a GPS as well as GPS enabled phones. We talking about trying to find a geocache, but never do it. We should.
58. Find some other kind of class/activity to enjoy with my husband ($5)
  So far ideas include cooking and bartending classes, but we are open to suggestions! We would like more things that we can do together.
Ryan and I took two sessions of the R.U.N. class together at work and have been having fun running and training for races together. We've even run a few races side-by-side (fast for me, slow for him).

I enjoy cultural events, but again, it is something I rarely make time or set aside money to do.
59. Attend three live theatrical performances [3/3] ($3/performance)
  I used to enjoy going out to these things, but school has sucked up all my time. Three seems reasonable, that's approximately one per year (though it doesn't necessarily have to be yearly for this goal).
[11/3/2012] Wicked!
[2/2/2013] Iolanthe!
[8/11/2013] First Kiss, on Broadway in NYC!
60. Attend three classical music performances [2/3] ($3/performance)
  I grew up in a musical household and was a performer for most of my youthful years. I love going to performances, they bring out such emotion. Again, it's one of those things I just haven't been making time for (although we did attend one last month!)
[3/26/2011] DSO performance of Mahler's Symphony #6
[??] Columbia Orchestra
61. Visit three museums [3/3] ($5/museum)
  I had five museums on my last mission, and didn't even visit one. It's not as if there aren't any around.
[7/7/11] Took my "little sister" to the Dallas Museum of Art.
[6/23/12] Visited the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC.
[2/8/13] Visited the Canada Science and Technology Museum
62. See three new movies in theater [5/3] ($3/movie)
  I love going to theaters, even if my husband does not. I should just go - alone if necessary, or with a friend if I can find someone who is interested.
[2/12/2011] The Illusionist/L'Illusionniste
[6/4/2011] Kung Fu Panda 2
[3/30/2012] The Hunger Games
[11/17/2012] Argo
[7/4/2013] Despicible Me 2
63. Go to a rock/pop concert for a band I've never seen live ($5)
  I've only ever been to two concerts, but I really enjoyed them. I'd like to see another. There are tons of them here in the metroplex, it shouldn't be difficult if I can just make the time and find the money. And a note, TSO doesn't count for this - we see them every year anyway.
[6/26/2012] Anberlin
64. Go to three games of a local minor league hockey team [3/3] ($5/game)
  My husband and I love watching hockey games, especially our Dallas Stars. But there are a few teams from the lower leagues nearby (Texas Tornadoes, Allen Americans) and the Americans are apparently doing really well this year. Plus the Stars minor league affiliates have moved to Austin, which isn't too far away, and we could recognize names on that team from summer camp and callups. And lower leagues cost less for good seats, are apparently more loud and crazy, and ... it'd just be fun to try to get into it. The three games should all be for the SAME team, though, so we can get to know the players.
[5/1/2011] - Allen Americans vs. Bossier-Shreveport Mudbugs, playoffs round 3 game 2. Americans win, 5-3.
[5/4/2011] - Allen Americans vs. Bossier-Shreveport Mudbugs, playoffs round 3 game 3. Mudbugs win, 3-2
[12/7/2012] - Allen Americans vs. Denver Cutthroats, regular season game. Cutthroats win, 2-1

I took up running somewhat seriously over the summer (was doing 5k a day at that point) but have only run a few times since then (and two were races). I found that over the summer I was losing weight and generally feeling a lot better both mentally and physically. I am trying to get myself out to run more.
65. Jog (minimum 5k) each day for a week, five times [0/7], [0/7], [0/7], [0/7], [0/7] ($10/week)
  I considered having a goal that said to run once a week, but that really isn't enough -- but having a goal requiring me to run more than that just sets myself up for failure during some weeks of the year or if something comes up. Having this goal will hopefully force me to run in between as well in order to keep up my stamina so I can do a run every day without dying.
66. Complete a 5k race in under 30 minutes ($10)
  This has been my goal for a long time. At my best, I was doing about 32:30 (though I'm sure that's up now since I haven't been running much since September). I really want to get this time down. It's just under a 10 minute mile, which really isn't that fast, even for a woman. For this goal I must complete a race, not just doing it in practices (which of course I will have to do first).
67. Complete another blueberry run and beat my 2010 time (53:26). ($2)
  This is a 5 mile race in my hometown. My husband and I ran it in August 2010 and really enjoyed it. Plus it gives me an excuse to go home and visit my family.
[August 2012] - 55:03 Did not beat 2010 time :(
[August 2013] - 51:57 official time!
68. Finish a 10k race without stopping ($5)
  Time is unimportant here, as long as I don't stop jogging. I'm sure I can manage this without a ton more work. For this goal I must complete a race, not just running 10k in practices.
[6/4/2011] Attempted a 10k at Firefly, but stopped all over the place and they made me cheat on the course because I was too slow and they wanted to open the road. Just shows me I have a lot more work to go. But I felt a lot better because Ryan and Kristi stopped a lot, too. 5.86 mi in 1:12:58
[7/1/2012] Ellicott City 10k - stopped a bunch once again, but it was a rough course. 1:18:28
[11/18/2012] Columbia Turkey Chase 10k - Finally kicked this goal's butt and beat my 10k PR by a lot. 1:04:55
69. Finish a 10 mile race without stopping ($3)
  10 miles is a long way, but if I'm running more often I should be able to do it eventually. Really once you get past 5 miles everyone says it's more about your attitude and will power than anything else. For this goal I must complete a race, not just running 10m in practices. Time is unimportant as long as I jog the entire time.
[6/16/2012] Baltimore 10 Miler 1:56:42
70. Run a half marathon race ($3)
  The ultimate goal (well I suppose the ultimate goal is an actual marathon, but um, not for me at this point). 13 and some odd miles. Again, this must be a race, not just in practice. Time is unimportant as long as I don't stop jogging.
[10/13/12] Baltimore Half Marathon 2:27:59
[12/9/12] Dallas Half Marathon (boo being sick) 2:52:37
[3/16/2013] - RnR USA Half Marathon - 2:24:10
[5/5/2013] - Frederick Running Fest HM - 2:20:04
[5/11/2013] - Maryland Half Marathon - 2:30:53
[5/19/2013] - Marine Corps Half - 2:30:24
[5/26/2013] - Alexandria Half - 2:17:59
71. Log over 300 miles of running on SportyPal [427/300] ($0.10/mile) [last check 11/10/12 - I started using Garmin instead but have way exceeded this goal]
  This is the tracking software we use when we run to keep track of where we went, our speed, distance, etc. Getting this many miles shouldn't be too hard, it's less than 10 miles per week, and I ought to be doing 10 miles in a day sometimes by the end of this mission.

Probably a good idea to go to see a doctor every now and then.
72. Go to an allergist ($5)
  My allergies in the summer are horrible, and things like Zyrtec and Claritin don't really work (or they work for 3-4 of the 12 hours they claim to work for). I have a prescribed nose spray but it hasn't worked well either. I'd like to find something that does.
[5/31/2011] Appointment made for June 8
[6/8/2011] Appointment went well, he drew blood for testing. I have to go back on June 20 for a CT scan.
[2012-2013] Made appointments with an Allergist after moving to Maryland. Allergy shots.
73. Go to an eye doctor ($10)
  This has been on my list forever. The last time I went was just after high school, that's almost 10 years ago. I had prescription reading glasses at the time, which I don't use, but probably should.
74. Go to a urologist ($5)
  I pee far more frequently than anyone I know (although it has gotten better recently, not sure why). I even had my gynocologist refer me to one but I never went because I didn't have insurance at the time. Now that I have insurance (from my last misson, yay!) I should take advantage of this.
75. Get my weight back to 125 pounds [0/25] ($2 per pound over 125 that I am at the end of the mission)
  This is where it used to be when I was 21-22. I went up to almost 160 in the meantime, but got it back down to the low 130s for my wedding. Then I went back up to 150... I'd like to get back the rest of the way and STAY THERE (I still have pants I never threw out), both for my looks and health. Shouldn't be too hard with all the running I'm supposed to be doing...

I used to read all the time before I got into college, then it slowly went down until I was reading only 3-4 books a year. And I subscribe to newspapers and magazines now and they just sit around on the table, not being read. Reading is great for expanding my mind and my imagination, and I miss it.
76. Get a Dallas library card ($10)
  I had a Plano one, but then I moved. Now I need a Dallas one, especially since the library is less than half a mile from my home. Plus it will make the next goal a lot easier.
[4/30/2011] Dallas card in hand!.
77. Go 6 months without purchasing a book [6/6] ($5) [exception: If there is a book club book that I can't get at the library (either they don't have it or it's out and has many requests already)]
  Really, I should start this one right away so I am not tempted to buy a lot of books to "stock up" and make this goal easier. But I need to get the library card first, so I can still do book club books if I don't already own them. Or maybe I just need to start it and that will force me to go get the card. Besides, I got $30 gift card to a book store for Christmas and I should use that first at the very least. Anyway, I spend a lot of money on books, but I have many many books I haven't read yet (over 70 at last count) which is quite ridiculous. Once I do the NEXT goal, I'll have an exact count.
[6/1/11] started this goal.
78. Catalogue all my books using Goodreads ($10)
  I have fallen in love with this website. It's a great way to keep track of what I read and what I think about books, as well as find new books based on other people's reviews. I have an app for my phone that makes it easy to upload books to the site by scanning the ISBN (as long as the book isn't toooooo old) and I would like to get my entire book collection on there. Of course, this means getting the rest of my books out of storage first (they were in there because I went to an internship in another state, and they are heavy so we've only moved out 2-3 boxes so far).
79. Catch up on reading newspapers/magazines ($5)
  I have a huge stack of newspapers from my hometown, months old some of them, that I need to read (weekly paper). I don't want to just throw them away because I cut out articles about people I know for my memory box. Also I have a lot of magazine issues (Wired, especially) that I haven't read - they got backed up when I was at my internship since I just kept mailing them here, and I haven't caught up yet. This will be hard to decide on an exact "I'm done" state, though. I guess when the piles are gone.
80. Complete the 50bookchallenge (read 50 books in one year) ($0.25/book/year).
  I had this on my last mission, and it did increase my reading, but I was only averaging in the mid 20s. For 2010 I stepped it up and managed 43 books (and halfway through two more!) but I still think I can get to 50.
2011: [52/50]
2012: [54/50]
2013: [28/50]
81. Read 10 of the 50 banned books everyone should read that I haven't read before [1/10] ($2/book)
  I just like the idea of this. A good source of choosing books. I've already read almost 20 of these and would like to read more.
[5/14/2011] Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
[3/10/2012] Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes
[5/5/2012] Candide - Voltaire
82. Read the New Testament ($10)
  One of those things I've been meaning to do for a long time. I've read the gospel in whole, a long time ago, but will start there again. I'm not particularly religious, I suppose, but I'd like to know more about what is there.

I used to love writing and would fill up notebooks with stories and "novels". I have a bunch of ideas floating around in my head, but never make time to do it now. It takes so much effort! And on the rare occasion I do write something, I almost never finish it.
83. Put 33 memories into writing in my LJ, one per month (but not necessarily monthly) [3/33] ($0.50/entry)
  Watching Ryan's grandfather suffer with Alzheimers has really made me realize how important the past can be. Plus I've always sort of had it in my head to write memoirs some day. I enjoyed doing this for my last mission, and people claimed to enjoy reading them, so I'll keep it up for this one.
   (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11)
  (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)
  (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33)
84. Wreck this journal ($5)
I love notebooks and pretty journals. I have probably 15 or 20 now, some of which I've had for ages ... and most of them are 100% blank. I am afraid to write in them, in case I mess up and "ruin" the notebook. This is stupid. It's a notebook! Maybe this "journal" will help me overcome this ridiculous habit.
[1/31/11] Purchased!
[2/4/11] Finally arrived (delivery delayed due to treacherous roads). Immediately dropped in snow (on purpose).
( Follow my progress )

85. Complete one of those books about our relationship ($5)
  One of those books with prompts for us to fill out things about our relationship, or early marriage. Good for memories later in life, and maybe our children or grandchildren will be interested. I would have loved to have such things for my family.
[2/10/2011] Purchased book.
86. Win NaNoWriMo ($10)
  The goal is to write 50,000 words in one month (specifically, November). I've been participating since 2004 and 2010 was my best word count to date ... a miserable 15,191 words. But mostly it's because I don't write most days. When I do sit down and write, I bang out 5,000 words with no problem. I just need to make myself sit down and do it.
2011: [0/50000] <- boooooo
2012: [7809/50000] In My Dreams (Working Title)
87. Complete a book draft ($10)
  Since I've done NaNoWriMo for 7 years in a row now, I have 7 partly started stories sitting on my hard drive. I go back and read them sometimes, and a few of them are really good (and most of them really aren't bad). I should finish one.

Brain Exercise
I love doing mind games and puzzles, and used to take quizzes or fill out income tax forms for fun. I need things to keep my brain challenged or I get bored with life.
88. Complete a book of logic puzzles ($5)
I will purchase a logic puzzle magazine, hopefully with many table puzzles (rather than grid puzzles, which I don't have much trouble with) and complete all of them. This probably means photo-copying puzzles in case I mess up because I hate using pencil.
[Purchased puzzle book 1/8/2011]
Total #Done #All Puzzles11249Logic w/chart4030Logic w/o chart4613Sudoku245Logic Art21
89. Complete the speed math book [34/382] ($10)
I’ve had this book for years and keep intending to do it. I’ve gotten into the subtraction section on my last mission, but that’s still only finishing 28 of the 382 exercises in the book. But the few things I’ve learned HAVE been useful and sped up some things, so I really should complete it.
90. Code something for fun, and FINISH it ($10)
I used to write computer code for fun and make fun things. Now, I think of coding as work, and though I have ideas for things, I almost dread doing them. (Four of them were on my last mission, I completed zero). I should pick one and just do it, as fun instead of work. Coding CAN be fun, when I worked with my husband on the Christmas Gift one (also on my last mission) we had a blast and did good work together.
91. Take a MENSA test ($5)
I’ve been meaning to do this for years and keep chickening out. What if I fail? But really, who cares if I fail? Neither getting in nor failing really changes anything.

I am in grad school, trying to complete my PhD. I am sick of school, to be honest, though I still am fascinated by my area of research. I am very close to graduating, but I need to get some publications done first. The most important things are listed here.
92. Join a grad student support group ($10) [Exception: If UTD no longer has support groups for entirety of mission.]
I’ve gotten burned out, and it is obvious. I considered dropping out and getting a job, but I’ve put in far too much time to do that and still be happy; it’d be a waste of the last 4 years. My school has offered grad student support groups in the past at the counceling center, and it might be good for me to join and talk to other students in the same situation I am in.
[1/13/2011] Verified they ARE holding one this semester. Made screening appointment.
[1/25/2011] Went for my screening appointment and was accepted to the group.
[1/31/2011] First meeting, goal officially complete!

93. Create a professional website ($10)
  Most grad students have one - it's good for job searching and networking and easier to keep up-to-date than my CV (and I can use the website as a resource to update my CV). I started one and never finished.
94. Finish and submit journal article on adaptation ($25)
  This article has been in the works for almost 3 years (it's an extension of my Master's Thesis work). It needs to get done and submitted.
95. Finish and submit journal article on normalization ($25)
  I need to have (at least) one journal article about my dissertation work. I should get moving on this.
[8/17/11] Submitted! Fingers crossed for acceptance (but that is technically not necessary for the GOAL, just for, well, graduation).
96. Present at an academic conference ($10)
  This involves writing a paper, submitting it to a conference, and getting accepted. This should be an actual presentation (talk) not a poster (which I've already done), in order to count.
97. Graduate! ($100)
  Oh my Lord if I haven't done this by the time the mission is up, something is seriously wrong (hence the very high cost). I am close, I just need to do all these papers and get it over with. Oh, and write a dissertation and defend it.

The Future
This is stuff that I can't really do now, but hopefully will be able to do by the end of the mission. It sets me up for what my life will be like AFTER grad school (hard to believe there IS such a thing at this point).
98. Join a community band ($5)
  Again, something I've wanted to do for a long time. Of course, it involves me purchasing an instrument (preferably a tuba, but I'll settle for something else if necessary) or fixing the euphonium that I already have (if possible). I used to do this and really loved it, and the community bands down here are far better than the one back home, and I really miss performing in a group.
99. Apply to Teach for America ($5)
  To be honest, all I've ever really wanted to do "when I grow up" is teach math/computer science to high school students. Yes, I am probably way over qualified at this point, and maybe it's not so easy to get a job doing this because of that. But Teach For America is a great program, and I recently saw in our school newsletter that someone with a PhD got accepted (in history, I think) so I guess it's possible. It's crap pay compared to what I could get elsewhere with my PhD, but that's not really what is important to me anyway. Plus, it's only a short term commitment (as far as job lengths are concerned) so I can move on after only a few years if I really want to.
100. Have a job after graduation that I believe I will be happy with. ($15) Goal changed: $7.50 penalty
Originally was "apply for 3 jobs". But what is basically my dream job fell into my lap, so pointless to apply for more. And the POINT of this goal in the first place was for me to have an awesome job after graduation. And I will. So.
( post )
101. Have $3000 in savings by the end of the mission [0/3000] (No cost, that wouldn't exactly make sense, now, would it?)
  This is less than $100/month, which should be do-able (I think). It's important to have money in savings in case of emergency, and I'm not so great at saving (usually I do ok during the year and then spend it all at Christmas time). This may be over reaching for now when we are both on piddly grad student salaries, but hopefully we will graduate and get real jobs before the end of this mission and then can make up for it.

Day 1: Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 101: Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Day 201: Thursday, July 21, 2011
Day 301: Saturday, October 29, 2011
Day 401: Monday, February 6, 2012
Day 501: Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Day 601: Friday, August 24, 2012
Day 701: Sunday, December 2, 2012
Day 801: Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Day 901: Thursday, June 20, 2013
Day 1001: Saturday, September 28, 2013

mission 101, to do lists

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