[Public] Of course

Jul 30, 2010 23:57

Tonight I went jogging and I had my best one ever. I took the pace a little slower, and made it about 3.5 miles round trip without stopping to walk. I could have made it further, but I was back at my building and it was after 9pm and kind of dark. And Baltimore is a bad place to be out at night. Lots of stabbings here...

I got home, excited to plug in my GPS and download the track of my run to SportyPal. But when I did, I was sad. At the point where I turn around, it had stopped recording :( I learned a while back that the GPS does a better job of getting my position if I put it in the pocket that faces away from buildings, rather than the one that places the device between my body and a building. My GPS doesn't have a locking screen, so I guess I accidentally pushed the place that makes it go to update settings... and apparently it doesn't -record- when it is on the settings screen. I noticed it was on settings after the run when I pulled it out to turn it off, but didn't realize that meant it hadn't been recording until I got the file uploaded to SportyPal. It made me sad.

Of course, when I finally make it a good distance without stopping, the device fails. This gives me even more motivation to buy one of the watch-style GPS devices specifically made for running...


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