[Public] Last Post for July (Probably)

Jul 31, 2010 11:21

I expect to be out past midnight tonight, so I'm making this post now instead of tonight because I might not make it home in time. And I'd really hate to "fail" NaBloPoMo on the very last day because I wasn't smart enough to post before leaving the house.

I'm going to Northern Virginia for the day. Some relatives of my fiancé live there (not really sure how they are related... his grandfather's cousins perhaps?) who have been wanting me to come visit them while I'm in town (I've only met them once but... well, whatever, I'll go). And it turns out my best friend from undergrad lives one town over from them. So we'll meet up for dinner and then go see Inception (FINALLY). I wanted to see it last weekend, but then we made plans so I decided just to wait. Hope it's worth the wait! I've heard nothing but amazing things about it, but who knows.

Then tomorrow I'll probably end up working all day :( Oh well, bye for now!

friends, travel

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