[Public] Blah

Jul 29, 2010 22:49

I am glad this month is almost over. I'll be honest, I'm kind of tired of thinking of something to write a post about each night. I don't have an interesting enough life for this! Also I am glad it is almost over because that means I am that much closer to being able to head back to Texas!

Not that I don't like it here. I have been surprised how much I've liked this job, even though it is far more stressful and the workload is a lot higher than I've been used to. I think there are two big contributors to that. First, I have amazing co-workers. I've gotten to work with some intelligent people, had people to bounce ideas off of, it's been a great learning experience. Plus, most of them are just cool people! And second, the work I am doing is IMPORTANT here. It is useful. And the results I get are helping others. That's a nice feeling.

But going back to Texas will be nice, a different pace, a different focus. I'll be preparing for the wedding, spending time at the lake... I'm looking forward to that.

To make this more interesting, here are some words the algorithm I'm using invented at work this morning. I laughed so hard I cried. But I'm sure I find this funnier than most.

goonighing ou

Now I'm off to see if I can finish this book I'm reading! Good night!

research, baltimore, language, life

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