[Public] Jogging

Jul 21, 2010 23:45

I am tired. Work has got me kind of stressed right now. Too many deadlines all on top of each other.

I thought when I got home tonight I would have to go get some coffee and do more work. But then I talked a bit with my professor and got my two packages in the mail that were full of wedding invitation materials and a sweet letter from my fiancé... and decided to go for a jog after all.

During the jog, I thought I was doing really well. I felt really hot, hotter than normal... so when I finished my Gatorade halfway through the run (which is abnormal) I refilled the bottle at a water fountain. I walked far less on this jog than I have in the past and thought I was making good time. So I was sad to discover I actually ADDED 20 seconds to last night's time. My pace for the entire run was almost half a mile per hour slower. And then when I got up to my apartment, my body rebelled, and ... well, you don't want to hear about that.

It annoys me that I've been doing this regularly since coming here 6 weeks ago and my progress is so dreadfully slow. Whereas my fiancé decided he should run also, and ran last night and tonight - same distance as me, didn't stop to walk at all, and faster average speed. He didn't even have to work himself up to it! Very frustrating.

Hopefully I can find the energy to push myself a little harder tomorrow.


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