[Public] Vote for me!

Jul 20, 2010 23:32

I went to the National Aquarium here in Baltimore this past weekend. Honestly, I think I came to the same conclusion that lapiskelinia did and think I prefer the Dallas one! But - I did see the dolphin show here, which I really, really enjoyed (I got SOAKED!!) They did a lot of tricks, jumping, playing with balls, standing up, spashing people, demonstrating their blowholes and flippers and teeth... fun! The 4D show was neat too - it was my first experience with that, i wasn't expecting to get snowed and rained on, and poked in the back when the shark snapped at us!

The rest of the aquarium? There were a TON of really beautiful PICTURES of water wildlife... but if i wanted to see pictures, i would have taken a book out of the library, or used Google, right? I wasn't so impressed with their actual displays - there didn't seem to be that many, and a good number of the tanks I thought would be intersting were closed for renovation.

Anyway, the point of this post. I got some cool pictures! Here are my two favorites. (If you want to see more, and even a video from the dolphin show, go to this Flickr set

The strange backward reflection effect is created because the turtle is under water, poking his head out to breathe. I took the picture from below the water level, facing up toward where the water ends and the air begins, causing a beautiful upside-down looking reflection :)


Which is just... a really cool picture of a jelly fish.


I submitted them both to the lj_photophile comm this week. Please vote for them! If you like them, go vote for me! The EASY way to vote is to click the "+1" tab under the photo post in the comm. The second is to leave a nice comment :) Both comments and +1 votes are taken into account when deciding finalists - the top 5 photos go into an actual poll at the end of the week. I'm hoping to make it into that poll as a finalist, I have no expectations of actually winning it (though I'd be excited if I did, but I'm pulling for the bees on the thistle)!

Click here to go to the post where you can vote for the TURTLE
Click here to go to the post where you can vote for the JELLYFISH

And of course, feel free to just browse the comm and vote for other people's stuff, it's kind of fun :)

baltimore, polls, photos

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