
Jan 06, 2011 01:01

I realized today that I had become so used to people visiting my work and dropping by where I sit to talk to me that it no longer struck me as odd.

Every few weeks some famous actor, musician, athlete or just random group of people will come walking by on a tour. Their guide will say,"And this is where the multiplayer designers sit" and, more often than not, they'll immediately want to talk to me about a system, how something works, why a decision was made, or just have a genuine interest in what I do. They get these big smiles on their faces.

It's silly of me to just take it as a normal thing. It is extraordinarily awesome to have people I don't know or work with, unknown or famous, dropping by desk because they genuinely appreciate what I do. It's great to have people care enough to know my work well enough to have intelligent questions about it and to have developed thoughts and opinions on it. It's a pretty sizable honor people consider it a privilege to just see the normal bullshit I do at work for 40 hours a week. It's nice to have your work appreciated and not drift off into the white noise.

I've been having a good week. I had a flurry of inspiration over the holidays and wanted to start the new year with a bang, and that's exactly how it feel so far. I believe these few weeks will go a long way to helping define the next 2 or so years of my life and the fact that they're going well makes me optimistic about life in general. Friendly visiting strangers at my desk today just helped punctuate it. Last year was the best year of my life and I'm looking forward to this next one being even better.
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