
Dec 29, 2010 16:34

I read this yesterday about the main feature I worked on in 'Black Ops' and it completely made my day:

"I love them a lot, especially the challenging/weird ones. I can see why some people dislike changing their play style, but for me, it's all for the better.
I have almost 600 completed, (BTW, the career challenge stops at 500) and return on investment is somewhere at 540%, and the CP total is 20%-25% of my career earnings, and the way I calculated it, at my 15th prestige, the exp bonuses have given me a full prestiges worth of XP. So no complaining.

I took the Olympia 75 kills few times, and fell in love with the gun, and the base class utilizing it. Now I have a bit over 700 kills with it, making it my 2nd most used gun. I also fell in love with the ballistic knife because of contracts, and I have about 200 kills with it, and not too shabby KD with it.

They also encourage to play differently, doing stuff and using things you haven't touched before, and thus, familiarizing you with the game. I've improved myself on many areas of the game, and found a lot of fun guns and things to do."

To see spontaneous feedback in a forum that completely sums up all I had envisioned the feature to be makes me feel good in a way that I struggle to describe. This response is exactly what I struggled so hard to achieve. I can't put into words either how tough it was to tune the feature so it successfully incentivized, without being heavy-handed, was accessible, but complex enough for a healthy amount of depth, and all the other variables that had to be made just right.

Art is about creating something that gives a specific experience. Creating art that takes into account a user's decision making and interaction along with a strong sense of investment and expectation is particularly difficult, as reliably creating that experience has multiple wild variables in the mix. Success in creating that experience reliably is the ultimate measure of this creative effort, which is why it means so much to me.
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