Dating Without Intent

Feb 14, 2009 23:30

Got your coffee?

Happy Valentines, Sports Fans.

So... ever stayed friends with an ex after a break up? I thought I had.  Apparently, he just wanted try #3.

Today - I had this plan. I was going to watch horror movies, smoke cigar, and play WOW. Instead, I returned a missed call and ended up eating sushi, going to a bookstore, watching Friday the 13th remake, having cigars and a couple beers, going to a coffee house to smoke my first Hooka, and getting back together with said ex.

Don't get me wrong. He's an awesome boyfriend - sweet, thoughtful, perverse. I'm just . . . I don't know how I feel. About him. About dating in general. About everything right now.

I'm going to eat dinner and play WoW. 
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