027 :: Syd/Vaughn kissing scenes that stand out to me, s2-3

Jul 30, 2011 19:29

I started making these partly for ThemeParty on tumblr, and once I had two minispams I just went "whatever, I'll just make it a full spam for scifiland" And so I did. But as you can see I kept it sort of tumblrish, with them not going together in style. But since it's a one theme list picspam it should follow the Big Bang rules well enough. But I have divided them into two parts: s2-3 and s4-5. Saves you some loading time, and gets me nice points.

It started as just kisses, but evolved into "kissing scenes" cause some of them aren't great cause of the actual kiss, but cause of something else. But, kisses are still the common factor for all of them (so I didn't include some wonderful and iconic Syd/Vaughn moments… simply cause they didn't kiss)


2.13 - Phase One

Well, the first of course! I spent a few eps leading up to this by going "AND NOW YOU KISS!" and like, pretending to press them together with my hands. But yes, it was a good, appropriate first kiss for them. Cause of the time spent with this tension and unspoken love between them it shouldn't just be one of those small tentative ones (like the Syd/Will kisses for example) it should be full on, giving yourself away completely. And I do like that it wasn't the kind that is at home and leading to sexinz right away (we got that one in the next ep haha) Just very much "Finally. I don't care about what people say and I'm never letting you go" kissing in the ruins of SD6. Also, it's so long.

On a side note I love Weiss coming up to them and demanding attention and they are just totally oblivious to him. It made me go "aaaw" and giggle at the same time.


2.14 - Double Agent

We can reheat.

Yeah yeah, I know, not really "one scene" I suppose but they follow each other directly. The beginning is just so cute and domestic and lovely. I love how she touches his face lightly when giving him a taste of whatever she's cooking. And well, when it moves into the bedroom it just becomes really hot (btw, it's sad but my first thought was "damn Syd, I hope you turned the oven off")

And Allison is a total perv.


2.19 - Endgame

I love my drawer.

It all just feels so cozy and normal. And aw, Vaughn gets a drawer! :D That's a big step. The kisses also feel so normal and "everyday". Again, I love her hands on his face, and how she kisses his forehead.


2.21 - Second Double

I'm the point guy.

I don't need to explain it do I? I mean, this is totally hot.

Also, Allison is a perv again. It think she secretly gets off on listening in to these two having sex.


3.12 - Crossings

We'll find each other. We always find each other.

This just made my heart ache. Vaughn is married (which I still don't get. How could he get married so quickly after spending half a year completely shattered by Syd's death?) and Jack has told him that he needs to back off. That all his kindness is hurting Sydney. So he's a total jerk, trying to push her away for her own good. Syd has had enough and on the plane to North Korea she decides that one of them has to leave the division because it isn't working anymore. Of course the plane then crashes XD

So they are facing execution and you know what certain death does to people (at least on tv) This exchange just broke my heart ;;

Vaughn: We're not gonna make it out of here. There's something I need you to know.
Sydney: Vaughn…
Vaughn: In my life, there's only one person...
Sydney: Don't do this.
Vaughn: Look at me.
Sydney: Vaughn...
Vaughn: The only reason I pushed you away...
Sydney: Please...
Vaughn: The only reason I didn't know how to be around you...
Sydney They're coming.
Vaughn: Sydney...
Sydney: I know, Vaughn. I know. We'll find each other. We always find each other.

Then how they look at each other when stood against the wall… and close their eyes to die. GAH!


3.22 - Resurrection

I came for you.

They are finally back together, properly. Lauren is gone. I love that Vaughn fires the killing shots while actually holding Sydney.
We also get one of those wonderful callbacks to earlier events with "Put the gun down! If you love her, you'll put the gun down." The original scene with that line was beautiful and painful.


This watch belonged to my father. It's broken now, but it used to keep perfect time. And when he gave it to me, he said you could set your heart by this watch. It stopped October 1st. The day we met.

Do not repost elsewhere.
If you want any of this on your tumblr, please click the link at the bottom of each box. Every minispam is already up on Tumblr, so reblog the original please.
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Resources: Disparue.org and my own capping.

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*pnr, .scifiland, type: tv shows, tv: alias, ~pocket, pairing: (alias) vaughn/sydney

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