#016 Spirit; my own tv show

Sep 19, 2010 06:32

Earth, year 2447. Hannah & Ian are best friends since as long as they can remember. She’s stubborn, younger & bosses him around, he’s a very good pilot but a little shy when it comes to anyone else than Hannah.
They are forced to leave their home planet when robots rebel against humanity. Hannah’s dad is killed and Ian’s brother, Sam, is left behind while they’re all trying to escape, & neither Hannah nor Ian knows if he’ll make it alive.

Before dying, Hannah's dad reveals to her a secret: Hannah & Ian are the only ones able to stop the robots. Their parents, not trusting the rising power of the robots, taught them how to destroy a possible riot. But the secret is locked in their brains & before anything, they need to access this knowledge.
Ian takes his brother's ship (Spirit) and takes Hannah to leave the planet. But Simon, the mastermind behind the robot’s revolution, sends his best & most lethal robots behind them, Jane.

Back on the home planet, Sam manages to escape the robots. He roams the planet and finds survivors: Alex and Nick. Together, they create a rebel force to destroy the robots. Sam wants to find his brother but he discovers that he is not the only one left on Earth looking for something…

the heroes;

Hannah is strong willed and stubborn. She knows what she wants and she usually gets it. But she's an introvert. The only parent she had left was her dad. When he dies, her only weakness is the affection she has for Ian and he’s the only one she can truly talk to.

Ian is passionate about flying. He only trusts Hannah and won’t answer to anyone else. He’s the smart but he has a bad gut instincts so listens to Hannah for most of the decisions. Spirit, the ship he pilots, belonged to his brother.

the villains;

Simon is the evil mastermind behind the revolution. No one knows what happened to him or what would make him want to destroy the human race. He used to work with Hannah’s dad before this one stopped working in robotics, leaving Simon with the huge amount of discoveries they made together. Hannah’s dad never told her he used to work with Simon and Simon doesn’t know his worst enemy is the daughter of his old colleague.

Jane is a robot, the best. Created by Simon, she’s sent on Hannah & Ian’s trail to destroy them. What Simon doesn’t know is that she started thinking and having a mind of her own & being sent away from the war enables her to escape Simon’s power. When she eventually meets Hannah & Ian, she pretends to be human so they can take her with them. But what will they do when they discover who she really is?

the survivors;

Sam brought up Ian when after the disappearance of their parents. He’s always been very lonely. When he lets his brother & Hannah leave the planet, he swears to himself that he’ll do anything to survive & do his job as his brother’s protector.

Alex is a mystery. She saves Sam from the robots & sticks with him from that moment on. She doesn’t talk much but she’s very sharp & clever.

Nick lost his fiancée when the war began & he’s sworn to do anything to have his revenge. Saved by Alex & Sam, he is the one forming an alliance of survivors to bring down the robots.

+ picspam made for teamsidekick @ scifiland
+ sources: ep, ms, sp, bp, ag, at, alp
+ DO NOT re-use/alter/hotlink.
+ enjoy♥

.scifiland, type: tv shows, *wildpages

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