008. A Study In Pink

Sep 15, 2010 20:45

A Sherlock And Watson from "Sherlock" Picspam

This was made for Challenge 9 at caseland, with the instructions: 30 images for your favourite pair, ship, scene, whatever you want. I got the 30 pictures just with one episode, but I could have keptr on capping and picspamming the two other episodes. Watson and Sherlock are my favorite partners, favorite ship right now, and every scene they share together is precious.

* Caps by pineapple_sky @ enchantedfleur
* Color and cut by me, please don't reuse (like you'd want to)
* Made for Challenge 9 @ caseland, you should join, Team Morgue is the best, you should join the undertakers!
*Comments are &hearts:

*ashspark, .caseland, type: tv shows, tv: sherlock, ~pocket

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