#018; Battlestar Galactica - Lee/Kara "Nobody Wins"

Sep 19, 2010 19:03

Made for picspammy's Illustrate a Song challenge; also part of my Big Bang for scifiland. [22 images]
The song I choose is Nobody Wins by The Veronicas; I tried to interpret it from Lee's point of view. This is their ~last scene from the series finale "Daybreak: Part III", obvious spoilers ahead.

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Lee: You know, my very earliest memory of my father was him flying away on a big plane, and wondering when he was coming back. He's not coming back this time.
Kara: No, he's not. Neither am I.
Lee: Where are you going?
Kara: I don't know. I just know that I am done here, I've completed my journey and... it feels good.

Kara: So what about you? What are you gonna do? Today is the first day of the rest of you life, Lee.
Lee: Well, I always thought when this was all done, I would.. kick back, relax, spend the rest of my days doing the absolute minimum humanly possible.
Kara: And now that you're here?
Lee: I want to explore! I want to climb the mountains, I want to cross the oceans, I want to... Gods I can't believe I'm saying this, it sounds to exhausting, I must be crazy-
[Kara disappears]
Lee: Goodbye, Kara. You won't be forgotten.

→ Caps are from disparue.org.
→ Do not repost elsewhere, nor alter for icons or whatever.
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tv: battlestar galactica, *runawaytomars, type: tv shows, pairing: (bsg) lee/kara, .picspammy

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