Feb 11, 2005 23:07
Speaking of bayonets, I half-jokingly asked my parents if they could buy me one and much to my amazement both said that they had some kicking around; one my uncle gave my dad from the Gulf War, and a few at my grandfather's house. Sometimes it's nice to have parents as randomly strange as I am.
I keep getting college pamphlets in the mail. In the past two days I've gotten eight of them. The most prestigious ones so far are from Vassar and Brown. Ooh la la. I love getting mail, even if it's from colleges that I have no chance in hell getting into. I also got one from a religious school which had about four flipping sentence fragments in one paragraph alone. They weren't even the creative sounding fragments that could enhance the paragraph. Whoever wrote it ended each sentence right in the middle of it. I have no tolerance for blatant grammatical errors. My Aunt Josephine-esque lifestyle has begun.
I went on the Moliere field trip today, which turned out to be pretty amusing (i.e. lots of dirty jokes). I wanted that snotty usher to fall the stairs and maybe even die. We all got to eat at Roi du Burger after the play. The cashier there did not understand the concept of change. She was also about four feet tall and almost as hideous as the woman with whom she was working.
My wobbly cat is broken, send her love.