Dec 21st:: Mistletoe (HP, RxS)

Dec 27, 2011 01:02

Title: Mistletoe
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: RemusxSirius
Author: ddraigcoch
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! Just trying to spread non-profit christmassy joy, and if you sue me Sant may leave you coal.
Summary: There were many things that Remus put up with.

There were many things that Remus put up with to keep Sirius close. Horrible dancing was the least of it. His toes wouldn’t thank him for letting Padfoot drag him up and onto the dance floor later, but it was terribly difficult to resist that slightly goofy grin.

“Moony, look.”

Sirius brought them to a pause amidst the other twirling couples, that manic grin back on his face. Lily and James passed them, laughing when they spotted the big clump of mistletoe right above their heads. He rolled his eyes but there was no heat to it. If Sirius’ grin was difficult to resist, his warm hands tugging him closer and freshly licked lips were impossible to deny. Remus gave him his kiss, leaning into the other wizard without shame. If there were anyone here who was uncomfortable with it - well, they shouldn’t have hung the mistletoe when there were Blacks around.

“Happy Solstice, Paddy.” He murmured as they broke away. Sirius was still grinning when they rejoined the dance, laughing an apology when he inevitably stepped on Remus’ toes again.

advent 2011, harry potter, slashmas

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