Dec 19th: Pay Back (FFVII)

Dec 27, 2011 00:53

Title: Pay Back
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Characters: Reno, Rude, Tifa, Vincent, Cloud
Author: ddraigcoch
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! Just trying to spread non-profit christmassy joy, and if you sue me Sant may leave you coal.
Summary: A lose sequal to last year's ' Paying Up'

“Rudolphus the red nosed TURK, had a very shiny head!”

Tifa was too busy hiding the breakables in proximity of the two drunken TURKs to pay proper attention to the patrons that were clapping Reno on. Otherwise she might have tried to gag the man who piped up with a cheery “Like an ice rink!” with a pool ball.

“And if you ever saw him,”

“Saw him!”

“He would up and kill you dead!”

“As a doornail!”

“All of the other staff of Shin-Ra,”


That voice she knew, and she had to fight the urge to smack sense into the blonde head for a moment. Dancing on the table and digging his own grave via the medium of song, Reno wasn’t the only one drunk as a newt. Cloud was right there at their table too, laughing and grinning up at the redhead. Next to him, Rude was worryingly silent and still, those implacable shades still firmly in place.

“Used to laugh and call him names,”

“Like chrome dome!” Vincent piped up drunkenly, melted into his seat with a goofy grin.

If Rude chose to go nuts and beat the crap out of the load of them, she hoped he had the good sense to do it outside.

“They never let poor Rudey,”

“Rudey!” Cloud and Vincent chorused

“Join in any company games!”

“Like twister!”

“Then one smoggy Xmas eve,” Here Reno paused and slapped his own chest for emphasis, the slap giving a painful sound as it impacted, “Reno came and said ‘Rudey with your head so bright, come on out with me tonight!’”

Tifa watched with wide eyes as Vincent and Cloud actually cheered Reno on. That... had to be a sign of the world ending! Rude hadn’t budged so much as an inch throughout all this commotion though, and she had to admire the man’s cool in the face of such drunken idiocy directed at him.

“Now who cares if the others love him? I’m gonna shout it like a fool, ‘Rudolphous the Red Nosed TURK, You are just too damn cool!’”

Reno bowed with a flourish and a shit eating grin, bowing his head to his applauding and screaming audience.

“Ha! Finally got you back for last year, Rudey!” Reno yelled, jumping back into his seat next to the bald Turk. He didn’t budge. “Ah, c’mon, you can’t be sore at me. It’s all in fun, you know? Rude? Rude? Rudey? Partner? Rude? Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude?”

Frowning, Reno poked his partner in the temple, and the big man’s head rolled lazily to the side. That wasn’t what made Cloud’s jaw hit the table or Vincent start snorting a rusty laugh though. No, the thing that made Reno squawk in outrage was the loud snore that suddenly emitted from Rude’s now open mouth.

“He - he slept through it! Bastard!”

advent 2011, ff7

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