Dec 18th: Things You Never Knew (FFVII)

Dec 27, 2011 00:49

Title: Things You Never Knew
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Characters: Reno, Elena, Rude
Author: ddraigcoch
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! Just trying to spread non-profit christmassy joy, and if you sue me Sant may leave you coal.
Summary: Elena finds out something new about Reno

There were things you never really knew about a person until you lived with them. She’d heard people say that before but had never really understood it until their first Yule spent together at the Nibelhelm mansion.

This morning she’d awoken to delicious smells filling the halls. Cinnamon, bacon and the warming scent of fresh bread tempted her out of bed and down into the kitchen with her hand on the cold grip of her pistol. Her logic had been sound - there had never been smells that good coming from their kitchen and no one had mentioned anything about hiring a chef so it had to be an intruder. Sleep had stopped her from questioning it any closer, and it was sleep that slowed her reflexes enough for Rude to knock the pistol from her hand the moment she rounded the corner to the centre of all that mouth watering scent.

The big guy had ushered her into a seat and settled a plate in front of her before she really knew what was happening.

“Rude...? You can cook?” She finally asked, looking up at the big man in time to see a happily bouncy Reno back out of the pantry carrying what seemed to be a freshly plucked whole goose.

“No. Reno did.”

She could feel her jaw hanging open a little bit. Reno cooked? Reno cooked food that smelt like that? That looked almost too tempting to refuse even if her belly had been full? Spearing a fluffy, gently steaming bit of scrambled egg, she stared at Rude hard for a few moments before popping it in her mouth; the moan drew a laugh from Reno as he settled the goose in the sink.

“You approve then, Laney?”

“Why the hell didn’t you tell use you could cook, you magnificent bastard?!” Knife and fork were wielded with deadly accuracy to start on the serious task of demolishing the bacon, eggs and pancakes on her plate.

“’Cause then you’d want me to do it all the time.” The redhead pointed out, elbow deep inside the goose, “This is a one time only deal. Your Yule gifts so don’t get too used to it!”

“Mmmhmhmmmph hmphhumf!”

Rude smiled over his coffee at the pair of them, his own plate long since cleared, “I think that was ‘Merry Yule to you too, asshole’.”

Reno's laugh was sharp as his carving knife.

advent 2011, ff7

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