Yay for drabbles!

Jan 13, 2009 10:59

Player: angeltrinity
Subject: Lezard Valeth
Table: A
Prompt: Superstition

[He had to admit, he’d been quite surprised at how different their world was. Oh, he’d expected it to be something quite unlike his own, having seen bits and pieces from the community, as it were, but still. To actually see these towns with his own eyes was almost surreal. Then there was studying the people themselves. Words could not describe how phenomenal the difference was between their cultures. In his world, magic was commonplace. But in theirs, it was a tightly-kept secret.

After a bit of research, Lezard understood. Somewhat. It seemed ridiculous to him that religion would put such a terrible view on magic. Apparently, there was some strange superstition that magic was the “devil’s work.” Who on earth concocted such a view? Their god? Heh. Lezard had never been very trusting of gods in his world, as they viewed humans as cattle, but nowhere had they instructed that magic was barred - in fact, most people embraced it. But regardless of how callous his gods were, he found it hard to believe that any god would deem magic on the whole as something wicked. Demon magic, yes, but there was such a thing as healing magic.

Lezard could only shake his head in disbelief. He wondered how people who did embrace magic in that world coped with having to keep that lifestyle under lock and key. If he’d been told to do it, he didn’t think he could bear it. Not for anyone.

drabble, author: angeltrinity, table a

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