
Jan 13, 2009 15:14

Player LJ: timidity
Subject: Pepper Potts
Table: B
Prompt: “Found”

It sort of felt like she’d been given a second chance. The whole situation was completely surreal, in retrospect, and on her first, official morning as Tony Stark’s PA, she realised that life hadn’t turned out how she’d have wanted it to. She’d always been told she was clever, she had potential, all those fairly empty comments from teachers that had been satisfied by her progress, but never wowed. Pepper didn’t have any particularly outstanding achievements, besides three consecutive wins of a state-wide Spelling Bee. Sometimes she wondered how on earth she went from a BA in accounting to modelling.

She’d hated modelling. All that she got out of it was a knack for putting together sensible but flattering outfits and walking in high heels that, on anyone else’s feet, would otherwise be deemed ridiculous for low level administration, simply because there was little chance anyone else in low level administration could walk in heels like hers without making a complete and total arse of themselves. She didn’t miss the emptiness of the job; the catty models, so fixated with their beauty that they didn’t have anything in their heads but air, the lecherous photographers and often ridiculous photo shoots.

Distant, almost forgotten memories. She didn’t mind leaving them behind.

Pepper had expected to stay at Stark Industries for, preferably, a fair amount of time. It was, by no means, an interesting job, but the pay was enough to enable her to pay her rent, with enough money left over to occasionally do some shopping. It was fine that way. Pepper didn’t mind having a frankly unspectacular life back when she was still just Virginia Potts. Something had always been missing, and Pepper still didn’t know exactly what that was, but she’d accepted it, at the time, as the burden of growing up and no longer having dreams or ambitious. Being a “normal” person.

Even though Pepper couldn’t even remember what she’d wanted to become when she was younger - but she could safely say she didn’t think she’d be or want to be a PA, of all things - she couldn’t say that she was regretful. Sure, it would have been nice to do some things over, but in the end? Pepper was content. Tony was right when he said he’d give her a ridiculously huge salary, and he really was a pain sometimes with his often childish mannerisms, and his promiscuity gave her headaches- but Pepper had found it. She found the right place, she found that mysterious little something she’d been missing all along.

drabble, author: timidity, table b

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